Who the fuck owns Yas Forums?

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Some chinese guy named Moog

Is he left wing or right wing?


The spooks

The People


i think he is in some other shit

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The NSA.

Japmoot is the absentee landlord, the mods are fbi agents and the jannies are trannies.

Looks like a complete anal dildo shoving up some henetai chink pedo nigger shit famlam.

*sips, but thats none of my buisness..."


Pretty sure these guys. But that makes it even funnier. Live stream from my house will be dope.

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Clocks ticking, kike boi.


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It used to be Moot.
No it is owned by Gook.


I’d butcher him and throw his muscles on a pan with some butter and Montreal steak seasoning

ChinkMoot owns Yas Forums

the jews

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i'm sorry.. his name is GOOKMOOT

i do

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the guy from zombieland

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Master Blaster run 4chantown

alphabet glownigger agencies

Gook moot.

>embargo lifted

CIA yyah cuck.

>anonymous website.
>please cum enjoy your stay
>be sure to share your mind with us.
>be your true self with this 100% anonsite


Chad third position

Is this steroids or just neoteny?

Pretty much this

There was moot who was literally a cuckold who carried the bulls luggage. Now there is gook moot in glowville

A Korean man named Hiroshima Nagasaki.

you're mom lol

some boys from brazil