What's wrong with fucking your bros if you do it cleanly and safe?
What's wrong with fucking your bros if you do it cleanly and safe?
Absolutely nothing.
>cleanly and safe
Rimming a dudes ass is neither clean nor safe.
Nothing if they're that pretty
looks fun desu
Nothing if you remember to say "No homo" and balls don't touch.
Australia is gay
Mods... pls... come delete this
They're faggotposting again.
Not much.
Its not that there is something that is specifically wrong with a dude banging a dude, physically speaking.
It is the underlying mental problems that would make a dude want to bang a dude where the wrong comes in.
It is a strange and perverse act between two consenting adults despite how clean they make putting their pecker in a shit hole... there's something off about the person.
Same with any kind of fetish or perversion.
same thread. sage
Every single one of you deserves rope. Itchy nylon rope. None of that cotton shit.
Your using resources of my nation state. Can you go be free in the desert?
Yeah but didn't gay men in CA had between 500 and 1000 sexual partners? How is that in any way healthy?
Yet you would condone and approve of a girl sucking dick wouldn't you? hypocrite.
Poo in penis
I dunno if it's just me. I think the numbers were high but there's no way the number of unique partners could be that high right?
I don't care gay love if they are honest and loyal. A clean, tender and loyal gay lover (I am not gay) is much better than toxic, bitchty, cheating whores.
these people are going to be dragged by a horse and doused with alcohol and then lit on fire soon. Have fun faggots.
why is this faggot shit still up GAY MOD FAGGOTS FUCK JANNIES
Gay with partner of 8 years. We are so based. Fuck whenever, suck whenever, always super attracted to the other. Tried a threesome a couple times but prefer us.
If straight guys could just relax and drop the hang ups they'd probabaly find that they don't mind a guy sucking their dick. Also gay guys asses are always going to be cleaner than a ladies.
Does that make them gay? No. Sure it makes them sluts.
straight boys mad
You wasted time, cum, and energy that could have been used to make white babies. Find a willing white woman NOW so you can begin the awkward, degrading, cringy work of fighting back against the genocide of your people.
I suggest finding a woman like pic related who is not really desirable to straight men. You're going to hate it no matter what so might as well take the ugly ones off our hands.
I know this isn't what you wanted to hear but it's the only way to save your people.
>mfw I let my friend duck my dick when we were high on lsd
Behind a horse, and torched. Mud in your face, asshole blown up with an M80, pissing in your face. I know you don't think this is going to happen right now.
Shes probably already got some mulatto kids.
Nobody cares about gay dudes anymore, most old fags have all wanked to gay gifs once or twice anyway.
Built for bbc
>tfw no bf
It sucks desu. I'm a pretty decent catch too, but it's just hard to find gays who aren't annoying.
Na, not gay faggots. Gay faggots deserve to be set on fire and they have been. Also have been dragged by horses.
Marxist faggots are the ones pushing the gay agenda.
unironically cute
why are fags capable of being cuter than wh*te women?
Then you need to cancel out her mistakes by making 5-6 white babies with her.
Made for my fat white COCK
Seriously, someone be my B O Y F R I E N D
I'll keep you happy... I promise
well, are you cute ?
this is why the whites deserve extintion
Yes! I think so, but I'm also tall (6'3) and some guys don't like that.
They are for BBC
>What's wrong with fucking your bros if you do it cleanly and safe?
I don't need to because women love me for my personality.
They wetter than the ocean whenever I tell them about Leo Frank.
Imagine being a haughty jew in the USA, living the good life, owning a factory, murder raping a young white girl, and you try to blame it on a black worker by manipulating another black worker.
And an all white (aka Germanic/Celtic) judge, jury and persecution actually believe the blacks over a precious jew brotherhood starlet (Leo Frank was a member of Bnai Brith) and his elite team of jewish defense attorneys.
This has blasted and roasted their anuses in such a capacity that they created the ADL of Bnai Brith, and, since it happened in 1915, been on a crusade against white and black racial cooperation.
Any black an white racial tension of the modern time is rooted in this event.
They have not forgotten, and neither should you.
Revel in it, though.
Revel in a precious jews neck snapped, hanging from a rope, all his influence worthless.
The blacks he wanted to fall succeeded him, he died, a fucking member of the yehudim was rightfully exterminated by Germanic hands in 1915.
One of the few cases of true justice in the US.
Praise this occurence daily and arm yourself with this jew slaying sword.
It cuts deep into their shriveled black hearts.
Look at his piss saturated pants, OP.
Man, aren't you glad we strung up that motherfucker for great justice?
Of course the jews then took over 80 years with multiple appeals to finally clear him legally.
But, he still paid for the crime he committed, the rest is just indignant jews seething, being unable to cope that no matter how many wedges they try to drive between us, Leo Frank of Bnai Brith, will never come back to life.