Germanbros, what do Germans honestly think about Hitler and National socialism?
Germanbros, what do Germans honestly think about Hitler and National socialism?
I mean he meant well.
The military planned to coup him out of office and reinstate the Kaiser after the annexation of Czechia and I kinda wish they did. The Eternal Anglo would've still found a way to fuck this up though.
sexual perversion minority is literally less then people diagnose with mental disease, there is much more war veterans and handicap people who need very practical help of society .
Now closing streets and guarded by cops, go parade of the very finest and best what usury by lie society produce, celebration of slaves of body appetites, animal body pleasure, right to degrade and accept usury and lie as normal .
No it is not correct. Morality serves life! don't shit where you eat, don't fuck around but live in couples ...everyone wins that way .
For people, in a strong healthy wedlock, sex is a joke for freaks . Human beings need intimacy and connection on a human level , suck on each others genitals ... even animals don't do that.
We never ever suck or lick each others body parts and never ever have sex . we kiss each other in silence and darkness 100% focused on each other as a person human being and not psychopathic masturbation friend. There is a beauty of human kindness and intention to serve life, that is beyond boobs that make everything vanish in the back ground. LGBT Is like celebrating humanities asshole as a greatest cherish able value Big fat ugly asshole with lipstick around. WTF? I want to cherish rule of the people by popular peoples congress
and not 1% psychopath that dictate psychopathic rules of the game of winners and losers, usury and lie .... perversion suppose to be as reword? 0,05% faggots are very happy about idea being fucked celebrated and guarded by cops.
How about morality, health, family, friendships, free human will, cooperation, mutual care ....?
Love is forbidden in tax enclosure guarded by guns and bamboozled with suggested imagination. sexual pleasure is encouraged and glorify. Get fucked in the ass with out public shaming, is more important, then take care of growing army of homless people. Its time to go up the stream and find who throw baby in the river. Lets pay a visit to the wizard of oz.
You managed to write one of the longest posts I’ve ever seen, and you didn’t even try to answer the question or relate it to anything in the thread. Bravo.
Welcome to og Yas Forums pol formerly new.
>Germanbros, what do Germans honestly think about Hitler and National socialism?
That question is easily answered.
Denazification failed so hard in Germany that it had to be conducted everywhere else where it was easier to convince people that Hitler wasn't the best thing since sliced bread for every biological, non faggot German whose family has been in Germany for a long time.
Sykewar had failed, despite its best efforts.
Despite pulling Germans out of their homes after the war to drag them through the circus of buchenwald and co and its lampshades and shrunken heads and all that other hoax shit.
There's a thing Germans do.
Gute Miene zum Bösen Spiel.
Ja of course zee Hitlers were zee bad ones.
Heil Hi, I mean HAVA NAGILA poor JEWS. Insert dildo in mein arsch now ja so steif und prall.
When the faggot police is gone:
HAhaha bremsjuden hahaha stell dir vor, Bremsjuden am Auto anstatt Bremsscheiben lolol mein Opa starb im KZ ...als Wachtmann hAHAH HAHAH HAH AH HAHAHAH HAHAH Alololo *GgGGggGGgggggggggggfgggg* ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ tiihiihihihihi lolololol
>Heil Hi, I mean HAVA NAGILA poor JEWS. Insert dildo in mein arsch now ja so steif und prall.
>When the faggot police is gone:
>HAhaha bremsjuden hahaha stell dir vor, Bremsjuden am Auto anstatt Bremsscheiben lolol mein Opa starb im KZ ...als Wachtmann hAHAH HAHAH HAH AH HAHAHAH HAHAH Alololo *GgGGggGGgggggggggggfgggg* ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ tiihiihihihihi lolololol
Hitler can speak for him self , we all , including you are experts about our self and not about other people. Humans know 5 min forward of their sincere attempt to serve life, then if something comes up plans will be changed .
Past is your own notes of your own observation
not suggested to imagine other peoples stories , Got it? We don't want to be ruled by minority of fags, we want rule of the people by peoples congress (direct democracy with out representatives) We all are enslaved by greed and fear. I want to "enslave" people by love and their own free will . Competition of usury by lie = capitalism. Cooperation by free will in order to serve life that is what I want for us all. and self governing by rule of the people by popular peoples gatherings. Like it was in Greece in coliseums , or in Libya until 2011 capitalist bombs start fall down.
Forgot to add nigger, fag.
Absolutely great post, thank you german bro
fuck what all the memeflags are saying
It depends very much where you live in germany.
If you look into Germany's cities you will have a hard time finding anyone who is politically right. When i moved to a bigger city fpr the first time i was shocked to find that the political right is absolutely despised, especially in the brainwashed youth.
But if you go to the german countryside, you will find very quickly it's the opposite. Mostly old people of course. But in every community you will find a core of extreme right wingers that love the third reich. Going mostly through families, it reaches all age groups
Lol based schizo faggot
When you get talking with people, most are lukewarm about it all, mostly positive, just that they went too far in some areas. I've only spoken with one person, at REWE, that said Hitler did nothing wrong.
Most German are educated to hate themselves and their History. Hitler and National Socialism consider lime being a Satanist and could you beat or even kill you if support it also the government will keep a eye on you. But I approve of Hitler and National Socialism, I know the Holohoax is fake.
Germans are constantly guilt tripped about the nazis, so in public most of them act super tolerant, but in private loads are at least somewhat racist and nationalist. At least where I live.
Ja Heil!
modern left and right is such a meme when nazis back then were lefties founded on the principles of marxism and then choosed their own version of it like mao and stalin did with stalinism and maoism
My teacher told me, because I was the only blonde guy in class, that only I would have survived Hitler, while the oppossite was true. Hitler burned especially the SS, otherwise I wouldnt have been the only blond guy in school.
Thats the state of propaganda.
A German I talked to compared it to how Americans view 9/11. He said they think it was bad but joke about it a lot.
The fact they ban it tells you all you need to know. It's not a majority belief but it's significant enough that they use government power to suppress it.
That's not even true but okay.
Second reich > first reich > third reich
Germanbros give it to me straight. Is the German populace privately fond of Hitler, and if so is there still a chance of a nationalist uprising if things get bad enough?
Nazis are disgusting
d i l a t e
>Is the German populace privately fond of Hitler,
I would say that the majority of people who matter in every day life are still more fond of Hitler than they are not.
In fact, the neo nazi strawman archetype meme that was introduced to the world has strengthened true 'nazi' movements, since neo nazis are now seen as the true contemporary nazi.
What that means is that all who are opposed to the old ways are not trained to deal with people of the old ways, only with the dumb knuckledragging troglodytes who fell for the meme or who are pushing it.
Our enemies have literally red herringed themselves.
That's the beauty of the NSDAP time, Hitler and his men were right on the nose and the money to make shit as beautiful and strength glorifying as possible.
jews and their golems therefore cannot utilize these things, like the swastika and all that glory in their intended ways, because it is a direct antithesis to them.
Therefore the jew and his golems must create mock copies of that, which he strives to make seen as the default, so the old ways are hopefuly forgotten.
Why must the old ways be forgotten? Because a copy does not remove the original, it is untouched.
They can march the Bundeswehr through the country wearing tutus and broomsticks, much to the glee and mirth to the golems and their masters.
But they cannot march the unironic SS with all its fixings and 'vibe' through the street.
Thing is, these copies are not only insufficient in defeating the original, but the vast majority of jew 'magic' is in the mind, and can be dispelled by a simple "no", so to speak.
Hence jews and golems occupying professions and positions that deal with mind things, law, politics, education, media.
The inevitable victory over them, and this appplies to the entire west, and the world, is that jewry CAN be dispelled pretty much immediately, at least in theory.
It's of course difficult to do this at the same time, but the pulse, the soil for that is always around
>It's of course difficult to do this at the same time, but the pulse, the soil for that is always around
because this 'copycat' approach doesn't hurt the true ways, it only hurts the jews and their golems who will eventually see the copy as the real deal because they have no connection to the real people who matter.
Therefore they get trained, they cut their teeth on irrelevant strawmen.
While we thrive in the background.
Doing simple, everyday, sensible things.
So subtle that they will never ever suspect anything, ever, and if they did, then they would have no quarters when it comes to actual argumentation.
We can weaponize both narratives. Both the holocaust and the truth.
If they want the holocaust then they have to deal with "well, there's a myriad of stories where jews were saved by simply pretending to be German, meaning they could have integrated and blended in well. So how was it possible to nonchalantly collect an otherwise easily camouflaged people in any way? To mark them? To round them up?
Unless they were their own, non integrated splinter group separatists, it wouldn't have been possible to round up 6 mil in a few years."
My heart and my penis are overjoyed to hear this whitepill user.
He quoted a 1931 quote of Göbbels. Göbbels his literal propaganda Minister, of course, did he say what was popular at that time. Another quote is this one
„Ein weiteres Zögern hätte leicht zur Vernichtung des Reiches und zur vollkommenen Bolschewisierung des europäischen Kontinents geführt.“
And there are also some quotes about his stance on lying.
I would highly suggest reading into Nazi ideology because my family was in concentration camps. Not because of them being Jewish, but because of them being left.
you're full of shit
They deserved it. Trying to genocide the German people should be punishable by death.
You're asking basement dwelling German incels who spend 24/7 on the internet what a NORMAL German thinks of Hitler and the Nazis.
OK, boomer.