whats heath research?
It's not an apocalypse burger. I ordered a plague, damnit, and I wanted it two months ago! Give me dead laying in the street! Give me niggers looting and rioting! Give me the economic crash!
All that's really happened of note is President Trump seizing control of the fed and $600 trillion in debt.
And far below the other 3 or 4 projections.
>at first project high to provoke panic
>then shift to projecting low to make the response seem bad
>dont worry, the goys wont notice the change
If nothing else, this happening made me lose all remaining respect for 90% of people.
2 more weeks bro
because of all the obese retards with diabetes/heart disease/etc. and redneck faggots going to church and protesting about home depot being closed. and that's just the white people.
we also have niggers who defy any order and go out every day
None of these people know anything and if they do they're not telling us.
Just read the papers yourself and form your own opinion.
fucking this, goddamnit...
>If nothing else, this happening made me lose all remaining respect for 90% of people.
This also seems to be a worldwide thread. People just seem to be ready for a dictatorship. What the fuck, I thought most of them had some sense.
>population heath
Intelletuals folks.
Do not post propaganda please
>b-but you support FOX if you say that...
Also for FOX, do not post propaganda please.
could someone do me a favor and tell me just how accelerated daily deaths in general have gotten as a result of this virus?
>estimates down from 100000 to 56000
Tell us again user how does your own ass taste?
Why is new York aaaaand California sending Michigan 150 ventilators when just last week they didnt have enough and were going to be burying bodies in mass graves in their parks?
that's not an answer to my question but i get that you're kind of on my side with this
They are slowing down and I wish they were not. I was very much looking forward to many more Jew Yorkers dying from the Chinkie flu.
Why do they list the amount of available hospital beds versus total beds but only list total amount of ventilators they have and not how many are in being used?
How the heck is it still outpacing projections when everything is shut down?
but are all the deaths necesarily from covid-19? it seems like any death while someone had covid-19 is being labelled as a covid-19 death, which seems manipulatively inacurrate, but our government would never do that, right?
It's not. Even Fauci said the predictions have dropped to 60000 instead of 100000 and just today they said 56000. This is china new network at its finest sewing distrust and misinformation into society.
"10 times the number of deaths from cancer"
> 6 million they said
> 2-3 million best case
Still way lower than the CDC and WHO. This is cherrypicked crap from CNN.
stop thinking so far ahead, goy
>It's the Stephan Balliet of viruses
0 times bullshit Is still zero, nigger.
>global problem of aging population
>the young work to support the old therefore unable to start their own families
>shut down entire countries across the globe to protect the old unproductive boomers
The future is fucked beyond belief. What the boomers are leaving behind is death of nations.
>look, it's SLIGHTLY HIGHER than what ONE "research center" said
fuck you, retard. fuck off. also,
>1 post by this ID
It's not happening. All happeningfags should be euthanized.
0.1% of the population have even contracted the virus. The governments reaction is delusional.