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Do Americans really?
Easton Ward
Elijah Thompson
Oliver Stewart
Jacob Roberts
>the world is do complicated
there, there child its gonna be ok s age d slide
Ethan Kelly
Numbers are just symbols, it's completely irrelevant to complain that one nation uses different values than another. A cake made from ingredients converted from metric to imperial will always be the same as if it were made following the recipe in metric. Get a hobby
Elijah Allen
U.S: we went to the moon!
Alexander Flores
If your not a baker or a drug dealer metric is a waste of time.
Christopher Martin
>Intuitive units of measurement based off easy to visualize and parse real world analogs
>A bunch of arbitrary bullshit invented by French retards trying to replace literally everything as part of their Revolution
I know which I prefer
Luis Morgan
Memeflag us canadians know metric too unlike those dumb amerifats.
Lincoln Perry
Then there’s the uk that uses a confusing mixture of the two lol
Christopher Cooper
>His country doesnt use both.
not gonna make it.
Thomas Reed
We all know metric is better but there's nothing we can do about it, our government has no interest in making positive changes.
Adam Ward
We use metric in science and medicine.
Cameron Clark
>> lol op doesnt know about sacred geometry
Adrian Bailey
you know we didn't make it. Stop acting like this is a problem for you EUfag
Aiden Foster
we take the L on this we know
Justin Wright
Europoors are so stupid they needed a system that is easy for their little brains.
Logan Hernandez
NASA used metric system
Michael Parker
It should be used in everything.
Carter Flores
>hurr durr base 10 is the obvious standard
fuck off
base 6 & 8 are the more logical base systems.
Christian Scott
If every unit is just a different tens place, then why have different units? having different units only works if they need conversion
Daniel Bennett
I always thought F was better than C. Both are a unit of measure of water's properties, but F is better to me for temperature.
Want to know if it's hot or cold in F?
0-100 is all you have to know. 0 is fucking cold and 100 is fucking hot. Everything in the middle depends on how close to either extremes.
30F is cold, 80F is warm, 55-75F is cool and nice.
In C it all goes to shit because we'd care when water freezes and boils instead
Matthew Rodriguez
this. Metric is for drug dealing. Even baking we use cups most of the time, you dont have to be exact when you put 2 cups of sugar into something its going to be good.
Dylan Evans
it's the other way around.
complexity appeals to the stupid people.
intelligence is making what is complicated turn simple. it's called efficiency. that's why we use arabic numerology and not roman numerology to do math.
Kevin Sanders
try measuring 1kg in miligrams.
or 1 meter in milimeters.
americ*ns are so fucking stupid.
Cooper Barnes
It doesn't fucking matter if imperial units make any sense; they don't have to. If you grow up with it, you learn it and have no problem using it, no matter how arbitrary the relationships between units are. Nobody seems to have a problem with time units, despite those being illogical: 60, 60, 24, 365.
And remember to not bump slide threads.
Carson Johnson
Where’s the user that had some good insightful about manufacturing and tooling compatibility issues?
Justin Bell
no, moron.
it's the same in C.
average room temperature: 20ºC
below 15ºC it starts to get cold
above 25ºC it's hot
your body temperature is 36ºC
above 38ºC you have a fever
don't embarrass yourself.
Luis Cooper
Go land a man on the moon and get back to me.
Jace Morgan
Brody Jenkins
Yes, because Americans are fluent in both systems of measurement. What's your excuse, Eurofag?
Jose Lee
They're not different units, retard. The unit of mass for example is kilogram, you just change the prefix because taking 2x10^-4 kg of ibuprofen for a headache is retarded, so we say 200 mg.
>not using both metric and customary depending on which is more convenient at the time
Brainlet yuropoors and boomer burgers
Joseph Rogers
that our system is superior so we don't have to learn yours.
Elijah Cooper
Your an idiot. NASA's engineers all got their brains from using the imperial system as children. The imperial system makes people smart and keeps dumb people from trying things like carpentry. Just remember that when a nigger takes your fucking job.
Thomas Anderson
This is also why English is the best language
Jack Sullivan
oh nononono
amerisharts on suicide watch
Jayden Adams
Please explain to me, are you retard ? Are you take some check from welfare cause of your mental disability ?
Andrew Morales
So you're just lazy.
Hunter Myers
pay denbts and learn emnglish
Isaac Cook
>being forced to learn the other system because yours is truly garbage
you're just proving his point
Ayden Johnson
imagine being confused by numbers that aren't a multiple of 10
Noah Allen
funny how the UK and the US were able to 'export' their language but not the imperial system, right?
Asher Green
0-100F is a much more precise measurement of the temperature.
With C, 1 degree higher or lower is a bigger jump whereas in F it's more specific to gauge.
Personally I'd rather say it's 75 degrees outside than start playing with decimal points like 23.8
C is fucking stupid. So -1.1C is cold and 12.7C is a nice day. Look at how fucking stupid it looks with decimal points.
Nolan Morgan
Suppose there are 2 ways you can get from California to New York. You can walk to New York or you can take the plane. End result is the same: you arrive at New York. are you gonna fucking walk there though?