>Hey user I really like you but I can't be with someone who supports Trump.
What do?
>Hey user I really like you but I can't be with someone who supports Trump.
What do?
fuck you, mom
>I don't date out of touch morons, so neither can I. Let's be together forever.
I would do whatever she wants
Shit on her face.
laugh very loud and find a quality woman
And tell her that I know her pussy is throbbing because she hasn’t seen a real man in months
I can't be with a shitskin ethot, so no problems there.
Shut up hoe. Thots get jelly filled and so help me if you don't make me a gagdamn sandwich after I'll find another hole, and it better not suck, either.
Well I can't be with someone who supports Bernie
Bye bitch. Have fun hitting the wall in...
Oh wait, you already hit it.
No loss then.
Okay bye
>You are speaking too rash my dear. Let's talk more about this over a cup of tea and a panini sandwich
*spreads ass on your face and forces you to rim my sweaty asshole and suck my 5 inches of white boy meat*
imagine the fookin smell bros
Switch to whatever candidate gets me inside that puss. Got to pass on my genes.
The only acceptable answer
rape and then murder, obviously
of my sweaty asshole? you are gay bro.
>do the ol’ in and out
>leave to never see her again
That has a penis.
Report your dogshit neeko posts. Why wont mods ban you? Saged
I'd kill to smell her farts
Blow up dolls don't get a choice.
whatever you say, coomer
Is that a sex doll?
I'm flattered but married
Don’t care slut. You will never tempt me for I am Gigavirgin
Do rope neck
Why did OP post Neeko and not Marissa?
Her breasts are fucking shit. Gross
are you a trap? because women can't have political opinions so you must be a dude, and i ain't gay
That wrinkly roastie is 22 years old
The meme is true, latinas age like milk. They don't hit the wall at 35 like most white women, they hit it at fucking 22
lmao what a whore
flaunt it grrrl