He’s going to lose to Joe fucking Biden. Everything points to AZ, MI, and PA flipping blue

He’s going to lose to Joe fucking Biden. Everything points to AZ, MI, and PA flipping blue.

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Ok. Keep us posted.

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It's a little early, hot stuff.

Do you read palms and do horoscopes too sweaty?

michigan voter here, trump voters gay little protest stunt will cost them votes

Nah..the governor of Virginia tipped his hand too early, VA, MI, PA, MA will go red in 2020 because democrats won't drop the anti gun horseshit..take a screenshot and check back November 4th..I'll be here to say I told you so

>Obama will NEVER flip Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina, and Nevada
>t. Republicans in 2008

Not a chance that Virginia does. There are too many nonwhites and DC-region white liberals. The demographics have simply decayed too much. Wisconsin had an election yesterday and kicked out a conservative Supreme Court judge (endorsed by Trump) in favor of a far-left Jewish catlady, so that doesn't bode well for the upper Midwest. And Massachusetts going Republican is just silly.

WI is absolutely based


imagine believing in politics/lesser of two evils

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I think it could go either way. I'm less confidant about this than 2016 though.

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>muh polz
go away roastie

It’s not just the polls

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I've been to both Virginia and Massachusetts in the past 6 months, the number of Trump signs in yards, on trucks etc is staggering, and Biden is going to make the same mistake Clinton made counting chickens before they hatch, and neglect campaigns in swing states they don't think are swing states

Anecdotes about signs mean nothing. People on Yas Forums said the same thing about Romney in 2012. It was common wisdom on here that Obama was unpopular and would lose. Yard signs didn't end up mattering.

in Az right now, not flipping blue

Negative you falling for the draconian authoritarian dems will be your down fall. Enjoy never getting to leave your house this summer :)

You're less confident because you have something to actually lose this time around

You have classic overconfidence in the GOP:

>Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona

>Retired astronaut Mark Kelly leads Sen. Martha McSally (R) by 9 points in Arizona, one of the states at the heart of the battle for control of the Senate in 2020.

>A new Arizona Public Opinion Pulse survey conducted by the Phoenix-based nonpartisan polling firm OH Predictive Insights shows Kelly leading McSally by a 51 percent to 42 percent margin.

>The company's last survey found Kelly leading by a 7-point margin, 49 percent to 42 percent.

>Kelly, a first-time candidate and the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), leads McSally by 10 points in Maricopa County, which accounts for the vast majority of Arizona's vote. Only one candidate in recent history, former Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas (R) in 2015, has won statewide election in Arizona without carrying Maricopa County.

>Kelly also leads by a huge margin among independent voters, taking two-thirds among those who side with neither Democrats nor Republicans. McSally, who lost a close race for Arizona's other U.S. Senate seat in 2018 before being appointed to fill two years of the late Sen. John McCain's (R) seat, takes just under a quarter of independent voters.


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debased AND bluepilled.
Trump is going to Win by at least 102.

it's not going to happen.. but go ahead and think so. I'm from Oregon and I know Trump is getting a second term.

The only person in the entire country whose mental faculties are worse than creepy Joe, is you.

Trump will win by an even wider margin than last time, and you'd be a fool to think otherwise. At this point you should realize they want Trump to win. They need him in so he can fill up all the headlines.

This reminds me of 2016 election, we all know how it turned Kek

Sure buddy
You have your fingers on the pulse of the Michigan electorate.

>Hillary Clinton has a 95% chance to win

When will you realize polls don't mean shit to Trump

No he wont. I dont like trump but he's way better than dementia joe

Wisconsin isnt the fucking midwest.

>And Massachusetts going Republican is just silly.
Pretty sure they elected Shitt Romney governor.

Sanders voters will stay home or vote for Trump. Trump has flipped at least a quarter of the black vote which is more than enough. His supporters will come out in mass. His opponent is a literal Alzheimers case that he will destroy in a debate. There will be less dem voter fraud because he has consolidated a lot of power and will be doing things to safeguard behind the scenes, his approval rating is higher than Obamas, ect. There is almost no way he loses. Not hope porn, just facts.

You think moderate independents like me are going to vote for a dementia drenched tard?