Holy shit

>Just learned that the $1,200 stimulus is a one-time payment for burgers.

So let me get this straight... the wealthiest country in the world really cannot afford to pay it's citizens a healthy fortnightly wage to get them through the rest of 2020?

I've never filed a tax in my life and i'm receiving $2,000 a month for the rest of the year. Why are burgers so cucked?

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>Doesn’t know how the US government works
S*g* boys remember

>I've never filed a tax in my life and i'm receiving $2,000 a month for the rest of the year. Why are burgers so cucked?

That's what unemployment is for.

You're an idiot.

this is exactly why I didn't "apply" for this nonsense.

He said he never filed for taxes. You don't get unemployment benefits if you were never working to begin with.

Your problem began with you believing the fairytale that Americans are rich. The good 80% of Americans are barely keeping their head above the water and struggling financially, working to keep the other 20% rich while they just scrape by. The 20% is what america pushes on tv and movies to make the country seem prosperous. The homeless rates are incredibly high in the USA. Those who aren't homeless will never pay off their properties. Only the elderly and super rich survive.

It's all an illusion. They think 1200 is enough? Let's see how long it lasts.

And if you were never working to begin with, you shouldn't get any gibs.

You do here.

but all the Americans here say they earn 6 figures after marrying 20 year old qts and own a house and land? You mean to tell me they're actually WWE t-shirt wearing fat fucks in trailer parks who inherited their grandmother's trailer and married a meth head?

there's too much debt goy


that's more common

Most of us don't need it because we make more annually than you do in 3 years. Only losers and wage slaves need it and most of them are on some sort of public assistance already.

They just don't want to admit to the public that everything won't go back to normal by summer. I expect they'll keep adding one more payment as time goes on while promising things will be under control "Soon"

They just don't want to admit everyone will be locked in their homes for the rest of the year for fear or people freaking out and rioting.

Basically this

What's up with your weird specifically anti-white anti-working class rhetoric? You sound like your brain has been jewed.

This is only sort of true. Most Americans make enough money to be stable and happy. Unfortunately they are ZOGbots built to do nothing but consume, so they end up living at the very edge of what is feasible and every single expected bump in life becomes an economic disaster. Then they expect financially competent citizens (90+ white males) to subsidize their incompetency because muh feels or some stupid bullshit.

Thinking we're not recieving more the longer this goes on.

You don't apply for shit user you just recieve a check if you filed your taxes dipshit

>They just don't want to admit everyone will be locked in their homes for the rest of the year for fear or people freaking out and rioting.
I doubt the Normies can take another 2 weeks let alone 2 months of this. This summer will be interesting

Your prime minister is a literal retard that's encouraging businesses to raise the price of everything to compensate, especially rent. It will also inspire normal people to jump on the NEET loser bandwagon causing high demand for more low wage shitskins to be flown into the country.
Basically, wasting so much money on hopeless shut-in auspergs (90% of Aussie Yas Forums users) is going to have massive consequences down the line lol

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This. If you haven’t spent time in USA and just know it from their media then you will be in for quite a shock. I vacation in America every year and can confirm that it is a total shithole. If you want to see the real America, then this documentary will give you a much clearer view of reality that the glitz and glamour portrayed in their TV shows and movies:

>Only losers and wage slaves need it and most of them are on some sort of public assistance already.

Your country can't afford it either. That's why when this is over, we will still be solvent, and your country will be a bankrupt shithole. Our power will grow while yours will shrink.

Why would you vacation here if you don't like it? We legitimately hate Canadians, so why don't you go elsewhere?

>They think 1200 is enough? Let's see how long it lasts.
What do you mean "lasts?" If anyone runs out of money and has no house or apartment you could always just sleep on park benches and eat from the massive supply of food kept in dumpsters. Gotta try pretty hard to die from poverty. Not having a good time isn't the same as dying.

>centralized wealth protected by heavily armed security, legislature, judiciary, with lobbyist and industry. Sure there are many rich people in the United States of America, but wealth is restricted to few globally. Which would you choose between health and wealth?

>We legitimately hate Canadians, so why don't you go elsewhere?
No one in the world likes Americans including Americans.
Now shut the fuck up.
I fucking dare you to take a swing at the next Canadian you see you fucking pussies.

Wheres your military faggot? Oh yeah that’s right, America fields one for you. What about medical and tech research? Spending much there or just leeching off us too? We do all this and have to babysit niggers and mexicans on top of it. You foreigners should be kissing our ass in gratitude for allowing you to live such a cushy life. I hope the US uncucks itself one day and shuts off the foreign gibs so you all find out how worthless you really are.

this combined with this is the truth of the matter. Most Americans would have plenty of money to get buy if they would stop buying a $1000 flat screen tv ever hear and other wasteful bullshit. Consumerism is really fucking bad here and I see people buy multiple tv’s, computers, shoes, and cellphones every year because ZOMG THIS NEW PHONE HAS ONE MORE PIXEL THAN THE ONE I JUST BOUGHT!!!! DAMN SON DID YOU SEE THESE NEW SHOES DR.DRE RELEASED?!?!? Drives me up the fucking walls how fucking stupid people are. Then instead of cooking the majority of their meals at home they go out to eat all the fucking time. My cousin who always bitches about having no money eats out everyday. In the Bay Area that’s a minimum of $15 for lunch. That’s $105 a week or $420 a month, and then he buys food and lets it go bad in the fridge. My country is dying because people just can’t stop buying shit!



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Free gibs are for niggers. I'm already seeing liberals shilling for universal healthcare and basic income because of this stupid disease, it makes me sick.

is this you OP


be honest

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He's trying too hard 2bcul

Also, I think the stimulus checks are just loans.

Stay in Canada then you fucking snowbird nigger piece of shit.

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>he buys food and lets it go bad in the fridge

Its a loan against next year's tax return actually. If you don't receive a return you have to mail them a check.

>1 Australian Dollar equals
0.63 United States Dollar

The sourest of creams

Australian Dollar equals
>0.63 United States Dollar
im getting 3000 AUD a month under JobKeeper.
Thats 1,886.39 USD a month according to google.
Seethe burger and enjoy your one-off trumpbuck

If your were smart you'd realize the reasoning behind the U.S doing these things is so we can maintain power. If we stopped putting military bases in other countries and subsidising R&D for health our country would collapse and the dollar would be worthless. We certainly aren't doing this out of the goodness of our hearts.

This is why investing in american companies is always a good idea.

The duality of the insane 'hard work culture' and rabid consumerism virtually guarantees excellent returns forever, as if the entire country was built for that specific purpose.

That being said, that new iPhone SE looks pretty sweet.

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