Michigan is fucked

Michigan will hit major food shortages in June, total economic obliteration long term, and highest death toll due to excessive use of government force causing blowback, and commercial looting/ food theft, and legit FEMA camps.


Whitmer sees the working class who run the city she works in as dumb hicks who are too stupid to not get infected while she unilaterally decides what's best for everyone.

Boog will start HERE
Screencap this

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Ontario, BC, New York, NJ, California, Florida, and Texas will be the worst. I don't think Michigan will be too bad aside from a couple cities.

The elderly and legitimately sick are going to be devastated not from the virus, but by the lack of care being provided to them. I hate to repost on my next post, but the fear mongering is causing a lot of damage to real people.

I am and Michigander here. The fear and paranoia about COVID19 is really out of control. At the assisted living home I work, the caregivers are refusing to enter residents rooms out of fear of possibly getting the virus. Which results in the residents getting UTIs (urinary tract infections), depression from lack of attention, and legitimately getting pneumonia. This gets diagnosed by a medtech as COVID19 without the actual test being done. Then the resident gets sent out, tests negative, and is returned diagnosed with pneumonia. The staff gets scared of them and refuses to help even if the resident falls on the floor and needs help. We don't even have housekeepers; so the kitchen staff is also working as housekeepers (overtime) to help keep the building clean. All the residents are detained to their rooms and we deliver food to their rooms while wearing PPE. Since the residents aren't getting the help they need we (kitchen staff) have to transfer them ourselves (after I show them the proper way) and set them up at their tables to eat.

I dread the day the health inspectors come in and see the state of our building. I'm doing my best to keep our residents safe and teaching anyone in there that will listen the proper way to handle and transfer residents; this also includes the dementia floor (memory care). I was a CNA for years, but I got fed up with how neglectful and ignorant my coworkers were in this building that I tried to quit. However, the head chef hired me into the kitchen when she heard I was quitting. We (kitchen) sanitize all the door handles, key-fob sensors, and areas where residents where residents eat. The mishandling on this pandemic has scared the shit of the workers here that it is getting residents killed by neglect and not the virus. We work long hours, but we love our residents so we are holding out as long as possible until the people in the building get their shit together. It's terrible.

Why don’t you faggots have make you stupid faggots what the fuck

Raw deathrate due to disease yes.

But Michigan has a supremely unique mixture of reactionaries whiplashed from the rust belt's progressivism failure and hardcore democratic voters who believe in a common good as the state tells them it needs to chop off their balls.

Those electricians, plumbers, and factory workers aren't going to take the second round of state mandated evictions and business closings as cleanly and it has a real risk of massive escalation.
There is tension here.

God man. I'm sorry to hear that. Nursing homes would probably turn my heart black, just hearing the stories of people rotting in them and the abuse is enough hurt me. Will take a bullet before I end up there as a burden.

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I have two extra rooms. I'll take some of those cute dutch twinks you have. I'll feed them too.

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That's gay user. At least there's hope for you here in this state.

The rest of us are probably going under

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Holy shit man, I have tons of family up there near and in Port Huron. Do keep posting about what's going on up there, no one fucks with the mitten, not even the government.

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You underestimate how retarded Ontarians are. Southern ON is absolutely full of foreigners and boomers completely oblivious to everything going on. They don't give a single shit or have any social awareness. For the most part young people (even hicks and hood niggers) are being cautious. As long as the old people are kept in line Michigan is fine outside Detroit and Dearborn.

>Michigan will hit major food shortages in June

Yeah, long-term facilities are not for everyone and that's okay. Those that work in the field that truly care are constantly trying to improve the homes... inspite of their low pay. Unfortunately, this field is plagued with selfish people who think they can make a quick buck and do whatever they want since the residents are "sooooo crazy". It blows my mind to see people who refuse to find a job during this time bitch at those that are still working for complaining about what is happening to them. It is very tense; and those workers you're talking about aren't taking it easy. Unfortunately, the media is cherry picking images from the protest and lining it up with the governor's chiding today to make it seem like it's over "just seeds and boats". Makes it seem we're mad over nothing, while none of the critics have seen what we've seen.

I have absolutely no allusions that Detroit will not be the hardest impacted the problem is Whitmer is applying the same draconian policies to everyone else and just letting us all wither on the vine here.

My work could probably get fucked by this I'm worried but I think my boss is keeping his cool BUT the only other guy who handles the big finances was getting a little shaky before we sent everyone home and looking for ANY WAY to maximize efficiency.

Can you get some UVC lamps user? I made a custom setup to zap my groceries and masks put them in and old rayovak D cell caping lamp with silver tape and it may help to line the hallways with them to help out the old folks. Just get eye protection & avoid the ozone, don't let them hurt themselves on the lights they will give you a very quick tan and sunburn.


I've been right so far. Sounds dumb but trusting my gut got me supplies in the nick of time, seeds, UVC, PPE, guns. My gut has been too right to disregard.

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That's an interesting idea. However, Anything we add to the building has to be corporate approved due to legal issues. Thanks for the suggestion user, I'll bring it up at work tomorrow.

You need to get the 254nm ones not the 400nm ones.

They're cheap chinese shit, get spares. BE FUCKING CAREFUL OF YOUR AND OTHER PEOPLE'S EYES! They can blind you and others so get UVC specific eye protection and wear full body gear that blocks UVC from getting on your skin. The ozone can sterilize entire rooms in 30min-1hr.

You can't see the actual UVC coming off the light, only the visible blue scattering of the light, and it's powerful enough on mine to heat the surface of my gloves with hard ionizing radiation.

>They're trying to force the hand of God
Michigan is that hand

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There are going to be food shortages all across North America. This is all by design.

We all knew it would start in Detroit, we all felt it.

imagine having gretchen whitmer for governor and not thinking your state is gay

You spelled ‘my ass’ incorrectly.

Why are they afraid to get it from old people in a home. How the fuck are these geriatrics supposed to get ther disease when they never leave that place, and visitors have probably stopped if not been banned.

Dont bring this up at work tomorrow user

based song, Dax fucking rocks. Hope he didn't get the covid down in New Orleans.

If we ever reach that point, they deserve it for bringing everyone down with them instead of just dying off and leaving us alone.

Good. Let this shitty country collapse. Nothing but fucking retards and jews are in charge now. From the ruins will be reborn a stronger, whiter country.

Based UVC user. Don't you love how a freshly deconned room smells?

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If you can't see the fact that farmers are dumping produce and dairy because it can't make it to market... Store shortages are intensifying here on fresh goods. Even the nice Meijers are running down on meat.
Massive FUD over markets and jobs. 30% unemployment rate. Overleveraged populace and small businesses will be annihilated and not coming back. Again.
Everyone I know wants out of this state. I just want to make a living in the place I was born and raised.

The eggheads with their eyes glued to the microscopes run the show and their "expert" opinion lacks fundamental civic understanding, political operation, balance and dialog.

I can quote Whitmer "If everyone simply stayed in place for 3 weeks this would be over"
Her fundamental misconception which will destroy the state comes down to two letters "IF"
Reality doesn't conform to our "ifs"

She is a absurdly uncompromising unconstrained visionary who will cause more damage attempting to perfect the world instead of forging the least worst solution we can implement as individuals.

Smells fresh like a rainstorm for a bit afterward once you let it air out, quite lovely.

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You seem to be a good person. How the fuck did you end up on /pol?


>Massive FUD
This is the only real worry about the coronavirus. Not the illness itself. Prepare for massive LA riots style chimpouts when niggers blow their 1200 on newports and crack

Wait til June. Second Holomodor coming as the jews are killing the meat/milk market and farmers are burying the crops that would go to the restaurants.

Get psychologically ready to eat your enemies and you wont have to worry about a food problem.

BTW here's my boy. All modded and ready to go. Gently sunburns exposed flesh at 3-5ft after a few seconds. Almost instantly darkens/ burns skin at 6 inch, discovered that by a small gap of sleeve-glove covering and have some tan rings on my arms. I'm set of vit D.

Can feel the heat through my gloves when I pass them over for a deconn.

I am. I may have to drop trumpbucks on an AR15 quick here. They failed before they even began. The heavy tactics just lost them the curve & civil obedience.

You have no idea how corrupt our entire country is. It's pitch black.

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