When will I someone who is a non-filer who had 0 income on the books get my stimulus check frens ?

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Sometime in September, I imagine.

>When will I someone who is a non-filer who had 0 income on the books get my stimulus check frens ?
Very soon the delights of the world will be yours, patient user.

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I am winning bigly, it's a beautiful place to be.

September ? That can't be right...

go do it on the site its quick to file
I got rejected because bitch claimed me as a dependant and dont think I can do anything

Were you claimed as a dependent by anyone else? A lot of NEETs are running into that issue. If you were, your application will be cross-checked against the IRS database and automatically denied.

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filed as dependant.
fuck my parents
literal children are getting more money then I will be getting

Sneaker heads are cringe

In theory your parents could file an amended Form 1040X dropping you as a dependent, but it would also affect their own prior year's taxes, and the IRS might not process all the 1040X requests until next year.

Neets won

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look at the bright side you could live in California and claimed as a dependent. They are giving money to nontax paying illegals instead of tax paying citizens who are dependent claimed.

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how do i check on the site?

lick my plate

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Dear Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info customer:

Congratulations, the IRS has accepted your Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info return.

got this email

if you are filed as dependant how much $ do your parents even save?
more than 1.2k?

>you could live in California and claimed as a dependent
I literally am a California neet filed as dependant.

Were all meets now fren. A nation of neets.

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If you can manage not to be claimed as a dependant this year you'll get the money next tax refund

it's at least $1k, probably $1500

my parents are both dead so I can't imagine I would be filed as a dependant.

My mom died in November.... Would that even be possible ?

guys im not a dependent, filed taxes the past ten years, make very little, and still havnt gotten my trumpbux what do?

prob open a credit card with a $1200 limit so you can spend your trumpbux now fren!

my parents said they still haven't filed the taxes so I may get claimed as non dependant
is it too late to file?

Eh Hem?

mine save over 4k per child

My dad claimed me as a dependent and I’ve been paying taxes since I was 16 for work. I’m 25 now. What do I do? Can it be corrected? My dad filed his taxes already.

same. like 8 hours ago
damn it would be so tits to wake up and see the moneys there already god i would buy so much tools and clothes and essential life sustaining objects and devices

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do you have any idea the timeframe on this for us true NEETs?

Does that mean you'll be getting a check?

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i dont have a clue. i sent a paper form in like 3 weeks ago but the IRS isnt "processing paper returns" so i might be sent to get raped by niggers in prison since i Efiled today too

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