Why do dudes like this always have girlfriends/wives and kids? They do far better than the average pol user.
Why do dudes like this always have girlfriends/wives and kids? They do far better than the average pol user
No dude
Because getting those things aren't hard if you actually try. You just don't try.
You don’t know what the average pol user looks like faggot. Shut the fuck up
Because women can manipulate them easily so they marry them and eventually will probably cuck them
For the same reason premium Snapchat and only fans are a thing.
girlfriends/wives and kids Are Jewish tricks.
women enjoy dominating weaker men, often to simply one-up their friend circle by being the first to marry. There is no sense of respect.
>They do far better than the average pol user.
It's because this board is nothing but a miserable echo chamber of screeching incels who then try to lay under 7 layers of laughable damage control to help them sleep through the night rofl.
None of those kids belong to them.
They're into not-polygamy but the cucked kind. Most of those guys have zero standards for women.
>20 something femoid
>"Smart", independent, dontneednoman.txt
>Has been fed propaganda her whole life by her parents, teachers and television about what the "smart" choice of husband should be
>The "smart" choice of husband is someone who makes bank, who won't abuse you, scream at you, control you and who is not threatening in any way (aka timid, shy, all-round beta but still an earner)
>2-5 years into the marriage she realizes her husband is repulsive and she likes the look of the pool guy's bulge as he smiles at her
>Proceeds to ask husband for a """hall pass""" to fuck a chad
>Husband is too timid to refuse and is scared of losing her since he might never do better
>1 year later husband is in an open marriage raising his wife's son
It really is that simple
Almost had me there, Sharon
Their girlfriends have kids. That doesn't count.
Maybe they got a partner but honestly, if you think these soibois are the ones calling the shots, think again.
>be a functioning member of society
>have a good career, wage, kids, house, etc.
>be a schizo or a complete loser who hasn’t done anything since high school beside drop out of college and complains about “normies” online
>is a total failure
who would’ve thought
They don't have girlfriends/wives. Their """girlfriends/wives""" have a human wallet.
Because like women, sois are highly sociable and need to tick all the "normal" boxes so that society will approve of them, no matter the personal emotional tole. If that means being in a one-side polyamorous relationship and raising another man's child, so be it. At best, they'll find an equally dorky female equivalent and they'll enter their 30s raising their two furbabies and playing 20yr old Nintendo games together.
>t. live in Austin TX and surrounded by these types
Because they can socializing at work, they talk normie tier stuff and arent redpilled. If youre redpilled, you were probably always socially retarded.
I cant even stand the music out of the radio in my job without sperging about jewish conspiracies and illuminati pop jewsic and the dumb people listen to it.
Thats why I have a job without people around me as far as possible and therefore no opportinuties to fucking a girl or betraying my actual gf, who is also a sperg.
These guys are just fat and have glasses. Thats not a problem.
you got it wrong, she tells her husband they now have an open relationship, and they can fuck whoever they want
the cuck being already married gets no pussy and she goes wild, but the man still feels like a winner
Its not their kid user plus why do they have gf ? they are the ultimate normie thats why .
Fag hags.
As long as they can provide,women don't give a shit.
And visa versa.
Fags will marry damaged goods if she has money.
Bonus points if they have male children to recruit to the pink team.
Why do you not have girlfriends and wives?
Submissive men are more likely to maintain long-term relationships with women, especially in modern society. Dominant, aggressive men both find it harder to put up with women and also to accept womens' demands for exclusivity.
The assumption that having a girlfriend, wife or family is itself "manly" is an illusion, fostered by civilization generally and women specifically for understandably good reasons related to maintaining social order.
>At best, they'll find an equally dorky female equivalent and they'll enter their 30s raising their two furbabies and playing 20yr old Nintendo games together.
and playing ps4 or xbox isn't as childish?
both are still toys. grow up retard.
Men especially young, naïve men assume that being useful (enough) to women that they want you to stay around implies respect and devotion. This is a mistake, putting it mildly.
Is there something about "wife's son" that you don't understand?
Imagine thinking you know what people look like on an anonymous web forum.
But In real life, you do nothIng to anybody because you are a beta.
Because we're females.
And straight.
Because women are overrated. Most of them would be happy with a guy who has similar personality, tastes and a steady source of income.
thats the same dude posting "blacked" and "female hate" shit all day
They need all of the help they can get, I mean just look at them.
What a lame strawman. When did I ever mention either of those?
They have no self awareness which gives them confidence. For the long term women want a low risk NPC.
Nice bait faggot. Now fuck off.
nice buzzword
Beta bux and they’ll tolerate literally anything.