Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

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is being a romanian a choice

You're either born with it or you become prison gay.

Hes cute, more?

Why isn't this what I see when I wake up FUCK!

Minds twist into doing gay sex even when not gay... degeneracy must be destroyed

It's a fetish.

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A choice to be mentally ill.

a mentally ill choice

Attraction to the same sex is mental illness, acting on it is a choice

Literally this and nothing more. That's all any sexual deviancy is.

The love between two men is more pure than anything you could find with a woman.

Mental illness that may have been affected by certain behavioral actions.

Is there a cure for homosexuality? I've always been told that homosexual treatment is not scientific but I also keep hearing stories of people telling they changed their orientation with those treatments.

A choice made by the mentally ill.

By that logic heterosexuallity is a fetish

Yeah, the cure is to stop sexualizing your own fucking gender you worthless queer.

It's a choice to act on either mental illness or other underlying issues.

It's a choice mentally ill people make

your moms a fetish

Retard, the post.

ask, what is homosexuality?
homosexuality is chemicals in the brain that fire in a given manner as a person is sexually stimulated by considering other people of the same gender.

people can have this happen for a number of reasons. being born that way is one reason, but not the same reason for all. having a mental illness is one reason, but not the same reason for all.

Post more cute twinks or I'm boicotting this thread

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Heterosexuality is natural and the means by which life continues living.

a fetish with purpose.

It's a choice to be mentally ill.

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are you implying animals other than humans dont have gay sex

God I wish it were me.

It's dependent on his mom risk factors and the age of interested parties
If she has a high risk of STD's or is 20 years older that the interested parties, yes his mom is a fetish

I mean, I definitely choose to fuck men in the ass.

not gypsies, tho. sorry user

Homosexuality is not a choice.

Here's the proof:

Try to make yourself find other men attractive.

Hint: You can't.

Way to refute my point
So it's just a natural fetish?
But still a fetish

she was for my dad, and vise-versa

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That's s man

My dog has leg sex all the time. limb fetish is weird but whatever.

Risk and age factors are what makes homosexuality a fetish

Try to make yourself kill yourself.

But people do choose to kill themselves.

You're too stupid to try and make arguments please stay away from the computer

thanks single motherhood, homofaggotry is the consequence of sexual abuse in childhood

there is of course the occasional outlier who's a homofaggot by birth or choice, so rare in fact that if met irl, are always based aka, not part of the gay mafia and usually conservative, at least not on the faggot left

The fact that we let them live is a choice

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whatever tricks two people into conceiving a child.

A choice mentally ill people make.

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It's the final redpill

>thinks about bailey jay
>pop a boner
wtf im gay now

no it's just dumb christian shit. there's nothing vaguely methodical about conversion therapy it's just a bunch of obese boomers yelling bible verses at you

I don't know this concept is true. A person can condition his body to "dislike something less" and further, stimulation is stimulation. Add repetition, particularly from an empathetic source, there's no reason to believe a normally straight person could not be turned gay.

Just look up the stories of the guy who became a "trans woman" then switched back to a man. There's actually a number of men who have told the story of how they "transitioned to woman", i.e., became a full-fledged, dick-riding faggot, and then transitioned BACK to their real selves.


we are talking about animals having gay sex, not humping your leg.

From the perspective of psychiatry, it's not a mental disorder. Psychiatry is a medical field, not a scientific field. If an abnormal pattern of behavior isn't, in and of itself, harmful to oneself or others, if there is no way to correct it, and if calling it a mental disorder causes stigma which is harmful to mental health, there is an ethical obligation to not call it a mental disorder.

>So it's just a natural fetish?
You really should educated yourself on what a fetish is

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not in a romantic sense, it's a dominance display in most of the animals that practice it.

It's a poisoning

>is a medical field, not a scientific field
Oh, please elaborate, you fucking idiot
That shit should be good

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You cannot with your own volition find other men attractive if you are a straight man.

You can with your own volition kill yourself.

I know logic is hard for a retard like you, but there is a difference in these two things.

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animals also rape each other and eat their young, so lets not use them as standard setting pillars, 'ight?