Not in an 'explosive, you-suck-and-we're-no-longer-friends way, but I used to have a moderate-sized group I used to hang with, play tabletop games with, etc.
Over time, it seems like a lot of them became more and more radical and vocal about it (period of several years); eventually the non-stop mockery and insulting language--never directed at me, but applicable to my politics/religion--made me realize I didn't fit in there anymore.
So, I just quietly dropped out. I learned a long time ago that there's no point in burning bridges unnecessarily, but I also got tired of the rotten attitudes. Do I miss them? Yeah, but not enough to deal with that nonsense any more.
Easton Nguyen
Yup. Lost a best friend because I could not understand how Dick Cheney was actually Darth Vader. I kid you the fuck not.