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What did stone toss mean by this?
Jaxson Collins
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Ryder Perez
4 people died in the holocaust and all were sikhs not jews
Owen Taylor
Over rated like Ben Garrison
Josiah Roberts
white knights need to make stuff up to feed their hero complex
Wyatt Lopez
means that the left is seeing sragons and problems where there are non. trying to normelize nazis and paint the left as idiots.
Aiden Martinez
don quixote
tilting at windmills
nazi strawmen
class over
Evan Harris
sounds more like a brolocaust
Dominic Turner
Christian Kelly
That people want to feel like they are the hero but "what is a hero without a villain" so they concoct one and charge at it head on.
Jeremiah Brooks
Benjamin Nelson
Justin Moore
Thanks, Bruce. Without your Wiki link, I'd never have understood this reference because I've never read a single piece of classic literature
Joshua Kelly
they might be nazis
Ayden Davis
i like how even the libshit that drew this subconsciously gave the retarded antagonist nigger features
Kayden Foster
It's a reference to Don Quixote, he fought windmills in the story, thinking they were giants or dragons. It means they are fighting imaginary enemies.
Hunter Thomas
Nazis are not actually common enough to be considered a threat, yet they're constantly referenced. Similar to the KKK, a group that barely manages to have over a thousand members or whatever it is. These groups seem inherently evil to leftists and make for more fun enemies than modern conservatives or Neo-conservatives because then you have to attack their argument or just hope they fuck up and say something racist. Progressive liberalism is a flawed ideology when you consider not all races are actually conveniently equal or that the enemies the media have painted do not lack a strong intellectual basis for their beliefs. In a world where Nazis are burning six million Jews, it's such an obvious and clear-cut enemy that leftists aspire for the chance to actually shout one down.
Blake Ramirez
Dylan Brown
Anglosajones no conocen Miguel de Cervantes.
Wyatt Lewis
Imagine NOT reading Don Quixote while at the same time NOT understanding that this comic is pointing out that leftists see themselves as heroes no matter what situation they find themselves in, and in CURRENT YEAR it's nazis.
Just. Fucking. Imagine.
John Perez
Jesus fucking Christ...
Jeremiah Gutierrez
The phrase "you're tilting at windmills" is another way of saying "you're attacking a strawman." It's a Don Quixote reference.
Cooper Phillips
but academia seems to welcome and coddle niggers and their nonsense.
John Morales
Connor Rodriguez
This but unironically
Jason Lee
That's pretty sad. Get off out of here for a few months and start reading books you literal nigger.
Lincoln Bailey
Why on Earth would ancient people's make a clay jar that big? Was it some kind of novelty jar?
Liam Scott
Austin Williams
dutch are the real nazis
David Hall
lmao look at this nerd
Justin Allen
ok zoomer
Hudson Wilson
It's an SJW calling everybody he disagrees with a NAHTZEE.
Kevin White
Fun fact for fellow brainlets. Cervantes the author of don Quixote fought in the battle of Lepanto where the Turkish fleet got obliterated.
Benjamin Stewart
I only read the abridged version
Brody Barnes
>Wyndham Lewis
Advocated for Jewish and other alien immigration into England.
So really, fuck you.
Wyatt Lopez
I was determined to drink and learn nothing today, fuck you sir.
Parker Reyes
The fuck? You wouldn't?
Leo Nelson
We already have your moms pussy