Can you say you’re a man if you never smoke?
Can you say you’re a man if you never smoke?
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Yes, smoking is fucking retarded.
I don’t respect kids and faggots, sorry pal
I quit. I want to live slightly longer as a result.
I’m glad there’s a high possibility you’ll get a debilitating form of cancer and die a slow, undignified death. Your family won’t support you either, because it’ll your fault. You’re a fuckwit
>Im glad there’s a high possibility you’ll get a debilitating form of cancer
>He bought this soi propoganda
My grandpa smoked from the time he was 11 till he was over 60. Never got cancer. There are many cases like this. Maybe youre just a pussy
Keep crying pal. Got all the money I need.
That is literally a case of survivors bias.
I allow myself a single Djarum clove cigar a day. Sometimes two if it was a rough day.
>10 cigarettes + cigars / day
>dies at 90y
You simply can’t talk about any issue if you never smoked, you just can’t, I’ll never respect you as a man
Winners dont quit
it's basically a tax on the weak willed
I love tobacco. Ive cut down a lot, but man you cant beat a smoke after dinner.
Smoking is nice OP but, have you chewed?
Winners get lung cancer.
I want to do it and I can afford it so what's the issue? Could say the same about your little video games, kid.
retarded 21 almost 22 y/o zoomer here. I started vaping which moved to smoking cigars sometimes which moved to smoking ciggies sometimes which moved to me both vaping and smoking cigarettes. Please do not start, you don't need it.
>inb4 well thats what you did, doesn't mean i will
I said the same thing. Point is, its incredibly easy to just "have a little smoke every once in awhile" which turns to having one more often.
Weed and drinking is fine, but please do not start nicotine, it is statistically one of the hardest things to quit for different reasons than some other things.
Then get new lungs.
And never quit.
I get it man and I wouldn't recommend someone start smoking daily. But a cigar once or twice a year is unlikely to get you I would think
Not only can I say that I'm a man, but I can say that I'm a healthy man who isn't swayed into literally paying corporations to help me kill myself. Stay cucked, retard.
Enjoy lung cancer faggot.
yeah once or twice a year isn't bad if you stick to that, just make sure you stick to that.
Lol, retard
I smoke all tobacco and I chew all tobacco.
Fuck fags and cucks who are scared of tobacco.
Tobacco is for the men, little boys need not apply.
Can you say you're a man if you're a retarded ancrap?
Is that what the cool kids on here say? Why don't you run off and play your fortnite bud.
Smoked a pack a day for years. Then had the balls to quit. Examples of people who lived don’t disprove the millions cases of people who died. Churchill was a fat pussy posing with an inferiority complex, it makes sense that you would idolise him, because you’re obviously the same kind of weak willed bitch.
Lol why would I cry, I successfully quit. Best thing I ever did. Cope all you want, you have no willpower
Imagine having so little self-worth that you conflate manliness with the consumption of a readily available product.
I smoke my stogie wherever i want.
This fucking thread lmfao, if we’re talking irl and I offer you a cigar, the only possible answers you can give me is
>I stopped.
If you give me anything than that I’ll simply low my voice and treat you like a woman or a homo, you no longer deserves any respect or attention.
In 1995 I was dating a Cuban woman who went home every year (Green Card benefit)
I gave her a shit ton of cash to go home. We separated later for family reasons...but she was a good woman.
I told her on one of her trips to bring me back the most expensive Cuban Cigar.
She brought me back a 1995 Cohiba Behike
I still keep it in my humidifier in a vacuum sealed bag.
Am I a man...pretty sure I can say FUCK YEAH
big tobacco targets low income neighborhoods ( niggers) be careful user
Real men dip.
No willpower to do what? Quit something I enjoy doing?
At the time, my girlfriend forced me to start smoking before she would marry me. I did as she told me, and we've been married for the past two and a half years. Best thing I ever desu
>he fell for marlon brando and brooce willis real time movie commercials
>every white man who likes tobacco is a nigger
Nice IQ user, you ousted yourself as a nigger already with your snarky little pussy post, you sound like a little college coastal boy bitch who got in off daddies money rather than high intellect.
ok nigger
>Tfw smoking fetish wife
Why did she force you to smoke? Most women demand the opposite.
smoking tyrone's cock?
>he thinks even if i smoke a carton i wont be able to crush his fat little head
Tobacco is a ancient luxury of the Aryan, you disgusting little toad of a man.
Ok mischling pussy.
>ITT: queers indulging in their favorite passtime: childish name-calling
It’s a horrible habit. I’m a big guy and it feels good when you quit, you develop more muscle mass, erections are stronger, and skin, hair, and nails looks better.
Smoking rots you from the inside out, and turns men into old looking lesbians.
literally everyone smoked but only a small fraction got cancer and died
now I'm not gonna start myself but the effects were massively overhyped and most of those genetic defects probably would've had some other cancer instead
it's the same liars who tell you red meat kills you today so we all need to go vegan
and retards who don't want to take responsibility for themselves eat it up
chewing is for retarded rednecks, i'd have judged you a lot less if you just said you smoke.
My grandfather smoked until he was 65, when I started picking up his butts and smoking them. He's in his 90s now and I enjoy my cigs knowing I have thick hungarian blood and can puff on for another couple decades
You know what to do if your girl starts smoking?
Pull out and use more lube.
Why the fuck does every idiot on here think smoking is just smoking two packs of Marlboro cigarettes a day instead of taking a cigar or two a day. You don't even have to inhale the smoke into your lungs.
My granddad smoked from 14-80, only quit when he got throat cancer and had to get a surgery. Died at 87.
Bet you still drink faggot
Kek, that's because they died of strokes at the ripe age of 60
>Throat cancer
I bet that faggot ate pussy and that's why he was one year off.
>pulls another "fact" out of his ass to make a new point