They can't keep getting away with this.
Tf is wrong with China?
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They believe
I doubt they would make that statement if they weren't seriously considering it to be true.
Do the Chinese have no shame? Or do they have only shame?
Yes, American media is well known for honesty and integrity.
>from wuhan lab
>not a bioweapon
so let us examine the context here. They believe it came from the lab, however it doesn't explain why it was there, and if the Chinese were aware of this disease why didn't they contact the WHO? Because it is a bio-weapon, and if they admitted that. It would be akin to asking the west to join in a tantamountal war.
>sources believe
Stop trying to rewrite history. Nobody bought it in 1989, nobody buys it now.
Gee user, you're right! when has the government ever lied? They wouldn't do that!