Post you ancestry results and prove your value to others.
Post you ancestry results and prove your value to others
99% of the world are useless eaters. You need better proof than this.
Inb4 the mutts ruin the thread.
Believe these god damn fake ass dna testing companies. It's all a fucking scam and your dna is used by the medical field to create medicine among other things. Dont believe me? Look it up. If you sent your dna off you're even eligible for a fucking tax break. Stop being fucking sheep you god damn retards. There are companies that can trace your family tree that do not require your dna. God damn you worthless souls to hell
ITT look at how incestuous I am. The thread.
ohboy ohboy ohboy
Every time I check this, it just keeps getting better
Found my moms side of the families geneology book today. Its fucking huge and made by the family institute because we have that lmao (who knew). We’re German Palatinates and the first of us immigrated to NC in 1745. I am as American as Apple Pie. Previously I believed the earliest of my ancestors to be in America was my dads side who were Germans in 1815. Now i feel justified btfo’ing nonwhites claiming to be American. My ancestors fought in the revolution FUCK YOU BEANERS
Seriously how do you not know you’re selling your DNA code to the fed
it's a decent basis to evaluates one's potential considering that only a few groups of genes made most of the achievements in the history of humanity
Der untermensch
>Southern European
So sorry, user.
humans are going to be mixed like this in the future. deal with it.
Don’t believe any of this bullshit but my mom bought me one so I did it.
What's my value.
Well, my ancestors all come from France. Southern European genes are present here since a long time and those didn't prevented my country to have its fair share of achievements, I'm not bitter about those.
How about you post your accomplishments? Oh, wait. You have none!
Really fucking English
Med BVLL reporting in.
>he gave his DNA to the quantum computer
>tfw euromutt
>giving your genetic data to jews
Value could be defined as "ability to achieve", putting aside my own case, one individual who possesses a superior pool is undoubtedly far more valuable that someone that is doomed from the get go
>he doesn't know how to take a screenshot
>another datamining thread
why so many white people here?
Here is what 23&me gave me
>judging a post without context
I took a picture of it on purpose retard.
(((Hybrid vigor)))-inbued hominid reporting for duty
And my ancestry, all are different and all are bullshit, I regret doing it
finally some color and diversity. my eyes were hurting from all the whiteness here.
damn user.. we're pretty close
fuck your jew data collection. my mother was born in germany and came over in the 70s and my dad was couple generation majority finn and thats all i got and all i will get because they will use that dna shit against you and your kin
My father is from Sicily and my mother is from Northern Spain. That’s all I got.
My phenotype is still pretty white because my middle eastern part is Syrian which is pretty close to European. I'm sorry my ethnic loving friend.
Could be better, could be worse, at least I'm not a nigger
They explicitly state that they sell your DNA to the pharma companies and people still do them
Hey there cousin
>pretty close to European
Learn some geography stupid mutt