A few facts about the Japanese Communist Party:
>Is the oldest political party in Japan (founded in 1922)
>Is the only legitimate opposition to Abe's LDP
>Has representatives in all of Japan's provinces
>Cares about the working conditions of the Japanese people (being overworked to death is a serious problem in Japan)
>Want (((US forces))) out of Japan
>Is a nationalist party (nationalism isn't limited to right-wing movements, it simply means "nation first")
>Doesn't take public funding like over parties
>Supports peace and wants better relations with Japan's neighbors

>"B-but Communism is authoritarianism!"
The Japanese Communist Party is a democratic organisation. If they were to come to power they wouldn't have complete power over people's lives, they would simply focus on work place reforms as well as other changes (such as ending the US occupation of Japan). Essentially, the JCP is the purest form a Communism, a party that works for the people.

Attached: japanese communist party.jpg (750x1000, 72.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Not so fast, 5th columnists

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Wow, what a hero. Killing the guy that came the closest to getting US forces out of Japan...

Kill commies.

I've heard there are a few Japanese-Koreans in the JCP.

No. They already had a system that worked. It worked so well, the Americans made them change it.


What an compelling and thought provoking argument.

Leave Japan. American imperialism has no place there.

I think the average Nip would rather suffer the presence of US troops rather than become a destitute shithole. Marxism is retarded and doesn't work. Besides, there are other avenues to removing US troops other than going full retard.

Death to China and the CCP. The middle kingdom is never coming back and another age of humiliation is coming.


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There is hardly any point in arguing with you people, you see everything through a Marxist lens and are steeped in ideology. It didn't work, it's over. Fuck, even the Jews who first pioneered Marxism abandoned you people because it was such an absolute failure.

Attached: true communism in all its glory.png (352x960, 139.52K)

Have you even looked into the policies of the JCP?

This thread has nothing to do with China though...

I know you didn't watch the whole thing in 2 minutes.

Argue with me all you want. Make an argument for why you disagree with the JCP.

Why should I watch it?

Yes, and?

Be Communist like me, Japan!
Then I claim you as a Chinese province.

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The US forced through negative changes on the Japanese economy through the Plaza Accords in the 80s. Japan was running a war time National Socialist command economy tuned to the consumer market in the postwar era. All the nonsense about the Japan "bubble" popping is just that -- it was engineered by agents inside the Bank of Japan to sideline the Ministry of Finance.


They should start kicking the shit out of China like they used to.

Not an argument. The JCP isn't controlled by the CCP. You're just making up excuses to justify your occupation of Japan.

Show flag

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So you learn something.

Asia needs peace. No more wars desu.

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Just sum it up for me.

I live in the UK desu.

tl:dr National Socialism is unbeatable when left to its own devices.


Attached: yui communist.jpg (1024x576, 48.01K)

Ah yes, tha man who was a soviet agent and totally didn't want Soviet troops instead.

>National Socialism is unbeatable when left to its own devices
Then explain to me how Hitler's "thousand years Reich" only lasted 12 years.

No they should become National Socialist again, and rape every communist shithole for the glory of the Emperor once more.

Attached: RARE.jpg (634x727, 65.87K)

He didn't lol. The guy that assassinated him was most likely working for the CIA though, since America was heavily involved in Japan's politics back then.

It wasn't left to its own devices, was it? It was attacked on all sides. The look at Japan is a very interesting one, especially when juxtaposed with the wind the USSR was sucking during the same time.


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>JCP policies
I just skimmed them right now, as I expected they did not have some magical new approach to marxism that fixes the inherent flaws, so i'm not sure what your point was here?

>w...we don't want a violent revolution, but a democratic one!
Democracy is retarded, and when has this approach ever worked for you people?

>muh national sovereignty
too bad that's fundamentally opposed to the goals of marxism and will be dropped the instant they gain power

>nuclear power bad
lol that's fucking retarded, and also inherently anti-left. Nuclear power is the safest and cheapest source of power we have right now, to be against it is to tacitly support the international fossil fuel companies which are the posterboys for "le ebil capitalism".

Attached: Capitalism_Evola.png (840x741, 583.33K)

It fails every time. The populace ends up in eternal suffering. There's no freedom, how do you live when somebody tells you what to do and feel every fucking second of the day? At least here, I can go up to my capitol and tell them to go fuck themselves and no die, as long as one is white. You can't do that in communism.

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Nobody in Japan wants war or Nazism. To put it into perspective, the JCP is eventually the third largest party in Japan and the majority of Japanese protested Abe's pro war policies.

because the entire world with a much larger population teamed up to destroy it. Strange...I thought fascism was just a capitalist plot? Why then did the capitalists team up with the Soviets to annihilate it I wonder?

Attached: capitalist soldier.jpg (317x493, 59.77K)

And nobody in Japan wants to suffer simply for existing.

>he didn't lol
Easy to claim that when he never had the power to do anything either way.

One down, one to go at least.

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It doesn’t matter how much you’d like to justify that communism is a democratic people’s movement, that may be at the core of the ideology but in practice it’s never the outcome. The brand of communism you’re trying to sell will most certainly come with authority, it’s almost arbitrarily what Marx says - in order to effectively have a society controlled by a working class that truly enjoys work for the benefit of the community and not for profit, it has to come with a period of dictatorship to ensure a shift into this mentality. I don’t recall a time where this has been successful, not to mention it’s goals are international and not national. Socialism within one state was the Stalin way, and that faggot was nuts

The commie fears the NSJAP

Attached: banner-nsjap-003.jpg (600x125, 73.79K)

Hitler started the war. The main policy of Fascism is war. That's why it fails, you can't win war forever. To paraphrase Mussolini, "Italy should wage war every 25 years!" Look how well that went for them.


Ok, commie.

>nobody wants nazism
They are already nationalist and largely homogeneous though, they don't *need* nazism so of course there aren't going to be people pushing for it at this juncture.

>The US isn't a destitute shithole

How is Marxism fundamentally opposed to national sovereignty? A system that works for the people is the ultimate form of national sovereignty, unlike Capitalism which exploits the people to profit the (((bankers))).
Also nuclear power is bad. There are plenty of alternatives.

JCP is actually pretty alright especially after Kishi and shit like got rid of the radical retards. They mainly just content themselves to organizing on the local level, engaging in local issues and not going all in on crazy commie rhetoric.

Policies and political theories DO NOT MATTER you fucking clown.
All that matters is results and communism by FAR has the worst results of any political ideology ever known.
And what's really bad about it, is that it doesn't work ANYWHERE. Different races tolerate different political ideologies better than others, but communism is uniquely BAD wherever it goes.

Fuck off and die in a fucking fire you evil piece of shit.

Attached: fuck commies and fuck communism.gif (290x200, 968.26K)

>Hitler started the war
No, Britain and France did.
>the main policy of fascism is war
No, it isn't.

You don't understand Communism.

Maybe because Fascism dragged the world into total war?

When the Nips were going to go commie during the Cold War the Americans let the old fascist government out of prison and they cleaned that up right quick. Japan under a fascist government pretending to be a liberal one was such a success that Americans were scared that they would overtake our economy in the 80's. Fascism saved Japan and

Read the JCP's manifesto and get back to me.

No, I don't think you understand it.

Shichisei Hōkoku! (七生報國; "Would that I had seven lives to give for my emperor!"). Fucking communists will never get it.

This isn't accurate. Communism, to the extent you can get a communist to admit how real it was and how close they got to achieving it, clearly worked better in Russia and Bulgaria, etc., than it did in Angola and that's a direct result of the people.

He came the closest to getting US forces out of Japan. That's why (((they))) bumped him off.


>Maybe because Fascism dragged the world into total war?
HEADLINE: "Judaism declares war on Germany!"

Fuck off you piece of shit. You KNOW what you're trying to do and it's not going to work. Also, Taiwan #1

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Do they need to ram a katana into your belly a second time for you to get the message?

Japanese Communism is inherently different to other forms of Communism. It's not authoritarian for a start.

>hexagonal wheels work better than no wheels at all
Yeah OKAY. Shit doesn't fucking work, dude.

They want to ban the JSDF.

Nationalist my foot.

Doesn't exist lol.


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Nope what? At least make a counter-argument ffs.

Have I ever told you the definition of insanity, commie?

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