Americans will defend this

Americans will defend this.

Attached: USAcovid.jpg (591x737, 83.25K)

Because giving them free shit like you wogs do with abbos is the solution. Fuck off you limey cunt.

How the fuck do you even wind up homeless in the US. Housing is like 20-25% of your income.

If you're handing out free hotel rooms then I want one too, having roomies is gay and I contribute more to society than homeless niggers.

Thinking that they should just put the homeless into the hotel betrays a complete lack of understanding how the situation came to be in the first place and what the long term ramifications of do so would be. Those people are homeless because they can't take care of themselves. They will destroy the hotel if you put them inside. If people have to give their hotels to homeless people, they will not make money and they will stop running hotels. The hotels will turn into rundown, unsanitary buildings filled with drugs, crime and disease.

Most of the homeless are mentally ill, we actually could do a lot to solve this by re-opening insane asylums nationwide.

wtf does hotel have to do with the homeless ? obviously they cant afford hotels or they wouldnt be homeless

shoot em

Homeless people are not essential.

Aren't some of them niggers?

She's suggesting the hotels being rented out to the homeless for free, as charity, Ari. A novel concept, I know.

Yes , let dirty junkies and niggers sleep in the hotels ..... go away fucking fag , go help a nigger

shouldn't you be more worried about chinks taking over your country?

>Libtards want to force hotel employees to take care of unstable, diseased homeless people
I wouldn't defend that

because no matter how cheap a house is, sleeping in the street is always cheaper
gotta put every last penny toward the next hit of meth you know

She's right we need a solution to the homeless problem. A final solution.

defend what, that they're sleeping in parking lots instead of highways?

They literally did this in New Orleans and the hobos fucked it all up in a matter of days, not to mention that dumbfuck city officials put multiple people in one room. It was a cluster fuck of a situation. It became nothing more than a breeding ground. Shouldve left the fuckers under Claiborne where they belong.

Thats the joke reddit

you need a credit card to reserve a hotel room dumbass

so how are the hotel staff going to be paid? you expect room service to clean up the shit homeless people throw on everything for free?

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99.9% of thos disgusting degenerates are there because of their own actions.

This fat liberal bitch can go fuck herself

Gold. This is the peak America value.

A shit concept you mean.

Maybe if they weren't degenerate atheists there would be more churches to take care of the unfortunate.

That's a pretty shitty photo desu. Doesn't have the composition or impact to be remembered.

Get a job losers

why would the hotel do this ? are you retarded my dude ?

It's not charity when it's enforced by mandate, which is what she's suggesting. She must be so kind and caring in the way where she donates the money of others.

Would they also get food service? Their rooms cleaned? Access to other facilities that need to be maintained, therefore requiring a bunch of otherwise non-essential personnel to expose themselves to the pandemic and potentially get seriously sick? Many homeless people also abuse drugs, perhaps we should let them shoot up in the bathroom?

It only looks as simple as "dude just open the doors lol" when you're being wilfully ignorant of how many people it takes to run the damn thing. And you're essentially giving a bunch of people with limited to no resources the ability to shit your building up for free.

Now of course, if the government wants to step in and pay for them, that's a different story. But it's not merely a charity to put homeless people up for an indeterminate period of time in empty hotel rooms. Also, good luck kicking them out. I'm sure that will go over well.

>government forces hotels to house homeless
>gov still pays fair market value for off-season (if vegas actually has an off-season) because fuck you Americans have rights
>spends millions if not billions of taxpayer dollars per month housing nerve-fried junkies, alkies, and schizos in tourist trap rooms and suites
>said retards absolutely trash the rooms, literally cannot take care of themselves enough to live anywhere and this should have been expected
>hotel sues gov because the mandatory tard housing plan ruined the hotel interiors beyond what regular withholding would cover
>taxpayers pay more because lol
>homeless rooms need to be sanitized, all bedding+towels ends up with bed bugs and lice and has to be burned, drains and carpets all clogged with needles
great alternative

Based if true.

Gee, I wonder how you can be homeless in los vegas?
they are either impulsive retards with zero self control, or hopeless junkies. Neither one deserves help.

Homeless people are either crazies, addicts or both. House them in a hotel and it'll be destroyed before the week is out. They will shit in the hallway even if the bathroom is two steps and an open door away.

They are nuts and destructive and don't want to get treated for whatever mental/medical issue(s) that they may have. They'd shank you over a few coins so they can get a hit of dope. They won't feel even a bit of guilt as you bleed out on the sidewalk.

Its called private property, a concept you cannot grasp because you want everyone to be a slave, you fucking commie cunt.

All these people lying out in the open... where are heroes when we need them?

Attached: New Vegas ceasar shooter.png (720x599, 374.85K)

fucking based

100% chance if those people were invited into the hotel, they would cause thousands upon thousands of damage to it. Homeless people create work and problems for others when you extend your hand. They use you and learn nothing.