I actually believe it's the truth and I have never been happier.
Ask a white convert to Islam anything
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Based retard
I didn't turn easily, I hated it and tried to find every excuse to reject it
Where you born an asshole?
Or did you work on it, you're whole life?
It doesn't really matter
Cruz you're an asshole tonight...
Is Islam right about women?
Beating women in Islam can't be done in the face (you can't hit men in the face either). Nor can it be enough to cause bleeding, bruising or other injury. Generally it's done with a switch on the bottom, or back for more serious transgressions
Alhamdulilah, Ramadan Mubarak
Ramadan Mubarak, akhi
K, tell your story, meccanigger. How'd you fuck up and join Saruman and Isengard? What made you want to be a muzlm?
do you actually go to masjid to pray or just pray at home? did you learn to pray from youtube or another muslim? did you convert just to marry a hijabi?
I researched it extensively to attack it. Ultimately what I found is that most of the criticisms that Islam is "demonic" would also have to apply to the Bible. Also that Islam actually was anti degeneracy even more than Christianity. While Augustine and Aquinas were saying prostitution should be legal, Shari'a punished it with a hundred lashes. While abortion remained largely legal in the west until the 19th Century, Shari'a banned it. Fornication was criminalized too. Gambling and drinking as well.
I go to masjid, which is an obligation for men of Fridat (optional for women but they use a segregated room and receive more reward for staying home)
I learned from books. A good site though is newmuslimacademy
I am engaged to a niqabi but I didn't know her before converting
Why not Mormonism? It's literally the same thing without the baggage.
Was it the pedophilia that attracted you?
Salam bros, convert gang represent
>I'm an idiot. AMA.
What's your name, OP?
what does penis taste like
No it isn't, Mormonism is just American Christianity from fifty years ago with a hint of Scientology
Why do you believe an obvious lie spread by a shitskin who denied the prophets he claimed to uphold, and who literally said he wrote verses while possessed by a demon?
When will you stop?
Stop what?
Explain to me how Islam aka Scientology from 1400 years ago is any better.
Weird way to spell grooming, dood
The Arabic word used that is being translated to “strike them” doesn’t even mean that. Prophet Mohamed never hit any of his wives.
Nah, bruh. Not even close. Same as Islam, made up third gospel, adult wives and not adult wives, new prophet and everything.
Please explain to me how the structure of Islam is anything like Scientology. It's a warrior religion, not an esoteric clergy religion unless you count Sufis and Shia
Islam is true. And frankly makes Mormonism look like a Las Vegas Pride Parade
He didn't divorce any either, that doesn't mean it's haram. He was the best husband and had the best wives
And holy books and worship and no drinking, wow so same
Why would I ask you anything?
"943...That's also how the Yugoslavian and Chechen wars can be understood, as just aggression against the only white populations stupid enough to convert to Islam from Christianity. Of course they needed to be wiped out, and their neighbors at least tried."
If you mean that it assigns each gender some roles so that they complement each other and work together then yes. It is a system based on, not equality, but justice. Men have an obligation to work and financially support the woman, and women are obligated to be loyal and raise the kids right. And Islamic marriage is sacred and both husband and wife are advised to be kind to each other. So yeah, islam is right about women AND men and their natural roles.
Of course you are wiping yourselves out, look at the abortion rate for Eastern Europe and its population decline even as Putin praises abortion
Sure but once again, one word in Arabic can have many meanings. Arabic is my first language so I know. Hitting the wife being halal isn’t set in stone and is just one of multiple interpretations of that particular verse but unfortunately it’s the one that’s translated in the English version of the Quran.