How do i become a man?

How do i become a man?
What is a man?

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Habla perro culiao xD

a miserable little pile of secrets

We are not men

We are DEVO.

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>go to supermarket
>go buy bread
>post on Yas Forums
>peru reply

Leave me alone.

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It's the power in your hand
It's your quest for glory
Give it all you got
Fight to the top
So we can know your story

Struggle, suffer, and perish

>Buscate un trabajo
>Quédate un par de años
>Ama a una sola mujer a la vez
>Religión es opcional
>Haz deporte de manera regular
>Date un tiempo a conocer a la gente de tu entorno, encontrarás pocos pero mi buenos amigos
>Intenta comprar un domicilio
>Ten hijos, educa los bien
>Muere en paz
>Come paloma

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