In 1666 Cambridge was closed because of the Great Plague of London. While in quarantine, Isaac Newton invented Calculus and the rules governing gravity. What have you done with your lives during this quarantine?
The United Kingdom is a powerful and unique voice in the western tradition.
Without the british, we would be in a dark place. They created pretty much everything that can be called truly civilized. And when the muslims replace them, the world will fall into a black chasm.
Russia ruined your country, the Bongs gave you all the props in the world
Landon Howard
am I being trolled good sir?
Jose Stewart
> What have you done with your lives during this quarantine? I downloaded all of muh vidya games! My ISP lifted all the data caps, because of the chink plague. I wish I could have played some TES Online. BTW, the last thing I would ever want to do is help humanity. Why help the filth that attacked me my whole life and ruined my life? Fuck humanity, let their beloved useless affirmative action subhumans help humanity. LMAO
India average IQ is 82 The stupid low born darkies ruined your shithole.
Landon Ward
American Britbong reporting in. Gene test puts me at 70% British, concentrated in the region Newton was born actually. I've spent the past month doing molecular dynamics simulations for my PhD thesis. And of course studying classical mechanics for fun.
Hunter Gomez
They can't hold a candle to Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, and Wagner.
Adrian Sanchez
yeah but Freddie Mercury leaves them all in the dust.
that really is a nice one i saw it somewhere else the other day
print and hang worthy
Adrian Mitchell
They can, Germans are all less then dogs and speak like dogs and shit in each others mouths. German is the the ugliest fucking language on Earth it sounds like you're speaking latin with a dick in your mouth and jizz down your throat
Brody Scott
Mercury was trash. The best composers are German (or Austrian but that's German).
Benjamin Gonzalez
None of which negates the fact that these Austrian and German composers could run rings around the best that the Brits could come up with. Just a fact of life. No need to seethe.
Luis Morris
Sir Frederic Leighton by George Frederic Watts (1881)
Wow good for german dog fuckers, they can put some notes together, they're still sub human barbarians and always will be trash humans
David Cooper
To be fair, the Bongs are top rank in literature and science. German literature can't hold a candle to the Bongs, the Frogs, or the Rooskies. German painting can't hold a candle to the Wops or the Frogs.
James Turner
I'm not German. My ancestry is entirely Bong. But I am a classical musician and l know what great music is and who wrote it.