Because whites have never experienced racism, they cannot understand the suffering of non-whites

Because whites have never experienced racism, they cannot understand the suffering of non-whites.

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fuck off, nigger.

>Because whites have never experienced racism, they cannot understand the suffering of non-whites.

Go back to Africa and live among your own.


your right whites can never not be racist, us negros should just go back to our homelands in africa to be kangs without evil whypepo (who is the cause of all our problems) holding us down

Based and redpilled

Go back to Africa if you dislike being a racial minority

Imagine being able to blame all your problems on another race and get away with it.

this is such senseless whining. white privilege is not having full blown paranoia and being a narcissist? good to know.

>What is modern South Africa

Ok nigger

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i am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group
>i will feel welcomed and normal in the usual walks of public life.
lol. i heard so much dear white people, white people this white people that over media... guess it was still a privilege.

why challenge the status quo when it's already great for you? In fact, don't even acknowledge it exists.

White privelege is real, white people have it easier and are at the top of the social hierarchy


It had made them soft and weak and flabby and that is why their women prefer other men now

It's racist to think a specific race can't understand the suffering of others.

Great triple-digit ending to your post! I love it. But I disagree with your point here. Africans did NOT come to America of their own free will. They were forced to become Americans. To say that they have to leave now is just plain wrong.

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>"I do not have to educate my children on racism for their safety"

There is no “white privilege” there’s only green privilege.

Think those ballers aren’t getting white privileged?

>your pic

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>hurrrr durrr whites are the only ones who did bad
Learn history leaf

honestly, everyone is a racist. don't deny that there are many black people who mock asians. even i know that chinese residents in my country racist against mongolian and vietnamese residents, thai resident racist against vietnamese and chinese residents, pakistani and bangladeshi residents racist against nepali residents etc it may be true that there are fewer victims of racism among white people, but we have to admit that the people themselves are quite evil and disgusting.

Is the creator of this image unaware of events such as the Bantu expansion and Japanese imperialism?


With regards to the affirmative action one, sorry man, that's the price you pay for a policy where you get hired specifically to meet a quota. You can't ask to be hired because of your race, and then complain when other people resent you for it.


Oi cunt my ancestors were convicts and treated little better than slaves but do we cry about it?
No! We just get on with it.

Your meme is fake bullshit on so many levels I don't even know where to start. It presupposes that only White people ever invaded other places, which is the most ridiculous and ahistorical thing I've every heard. Every group has done that in every period of history. The fact that Whites did it the best the most recent changes nothing. The Islamic world tried to conquer Europe for 1000 years. You know nothing of world history, so never talk about it.

White countries didn't become successful because of colonisation. They were only able to make colonies because they were already successful and powerful. You are simply anti-White through and through and then you pretend like it makes you a good person or something. Whites are the only civilised people that invented the idea that it's wrong to invade others, and they were wrong to do so because in return they just get you attacking Whites forever. You think White countries should be colonised by mudpeople because you hate White people for their objectively superior civilisation and you also don't have the distinctly White morality to stop you from doing so.

>Every non-white country is a shithole with the exception of some Asian nations
>Shitskins insist that white people are the problem and invade white nations all the while demanding equal rights and representation from the people they blame for their problems
>Few non-whites ever contribute or accomplish what an average white man does in said white countries
I never understood why non-whites don't just live in white-free utopias like they claim they want

>Every non-white country is a shithole with the exception of some Asian nations
Even the only non-white first world countries such as South Korea and Japan were built by America.

op is a nigger

I’m experiencing it right now, in this thread, from a nigger.

are you saying white people are superior?

>I can worry about racism without being seen as self-interested or self-seeking
>I do not have to educate my children to be aware of systemic racism for their own daily protection
>If my day, week or year is going badly, I need not ask of each negative episode or situation whether it had racial overtones
>I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group

good. it's our country after all, nigger.

Are you fucking serious? White people are exposed to a never-ending barrage of racism and passive-aggressive behavior from minorities and the media

Go back to Africa then if it’s so great there

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gotta say this was written by some pretty dumb niggers

The affirmative action one is insane. Somehow literally selectively hiring minorities is also an instance of white privilege

>I can take a job with an affirmative action employer without having my co-workers on the job suspect that I got it because of my race.
Sound like affirmative action is a privilege that white people dont have.

only dead niggers are good niggers

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One time I fell in the mud and everyone thought I was black. I experienced racism that day.

>t. Lynched

>That whole list
Are niggers made of glass? how the fuck can you function in life with all those hangups?