Is boog almost inevitable?
Gov Newsom to give illegal immigrants checks
I don't know what y'all are waiting on.
What's wrong with it
They should get some
Governor Noose Him
If you faggots don't do something to stop him Virginians are banned from this board and you should all be castrated
I don't want to see one more fucking larp about 1776 muh guns.
Do the legal citizens living in California get this relief?
of course not, that would be racist
You seem to be lost.
lmao there goes his 2024 bid
How the fuck would they get checks if they are "undocumented"?
If they can be found to get free gibs from citizens, they can be found to get deported.
God I love california as an actual illegal immigrant neet I have yet to even apply for work because I can mooch off the system suck my brown dick wagies and fags, I can spend my days shitposting and playing videogames while you uglies cry about covid-19
They are regularly hunted down by ICE user
I wonder if you could sue him to get your tax dollars back -there might actually be a case there.
Wait....was that an insult comparing Virginia to California...
Or actual autism.
Jesus FUCK why is getting so hard to tell anymore.
Now the welfare checks aren't just going to your fellow Americans, they're going to foreigners who invade your country as well.
Total clown world.
What's the point of paying taxes anymore? Might as well renounce our citizenships and skip paying taxes since illegals getting all the same privileges as being an American citizen.
#defund california
what's stopping them from just using a fake name and getting back in line again
Isn't that a crime? aiding and abetting the lawless invasion of our national borders? employers aren't allowed to hire illegals, so why would the state be allowed to send them checks?
hello sir i am jose rodriguez i am here for my manny
*shaves moustache*
hello sir i am jose rodriguez the second i am here for my manny
He should also give them his house, clothing, autos and all savings and investments he personally owns Anything less and he isn't giving enough.
Isn't that what the shutdown is doing?
Pajeets will take over Socialcon Valley soon enough.
The only problem will be keeping goddamn hippies out of the decent places and ruining them too.
No one's going to get that mad about some other people being given a pittance. If they were the only ones getting gibs it'd be a different story. Grow up.
The saddest shit is the rampant homelessness in California.
Wellfare checks/TrumpBux to people who've never paid in but still homeless on the streets.
So P R O G R E S S I V E
They do this all the time so ya they'll do it now. Can have like 12 spics in a 3 bedroom and the parents all claim each other's kids and other bs.
That's a good point. This is unconstitutional. I'm waiting for Trump to send in federal forces cuz this is insane.
No Americans should get them first. No illegal should be taken care of until every single American gets aid.
Beyond Clown World
Wait a minute..... What's to stop citizens from using fake names to claim gibs?
Citizens should probably put him in custody and run a new election. Giving taxpayer money to illegal aliens is pretty damned treasonous.
i think the autist has newsom confused for with governor blackface northam.
>lol guys be careful you don't accidentally defend your country or enforce the laws of the land, it might upset a corrupt thug
That’s a funny way of saying you’re mentally challenged
the fences to be put up
Virginians and Californians are an insult to this country. both full of spineless faggots
They aren’t illegal if they pay taxes and spend money in US which ultimately contributes to the US economy