- vaccine impossible since it keeps mutating - sticks to surfaces for long a time - people can have it and spread it without knowing
Literally this could well be the end of humanity.
Realistically how will this affect society and life? Will conventions, concerts, theme parks etc be forever gone. Will people end up doing everything in VR and over screens.
The only way to cure this is to edit everyone's genes to be immune to this.
>- vaccine impossible since it keeps mutating >- sticks to surfaces for long a time >- people can have it and spread it without knowing There are a few dozen diseases that fit this criteria that have been circulating for decades, Covid19 is just another Flu or Common Cold
Jason Butler
OP is based and redpilled. Look at all the faggots in the thread who are shitting themself in fear. Only kikes fear death.
Isaiah Diaz
>Only kikes value life Ftfy
Tyler Bell
>The only way to cure this is to edit everyone's genes to be immune to this. the universe will provide, forced adaptation is imminent
The only way I could do anything remotely like that with my mom is if I dig up her grave, fuck her in the ass, and then stick my cock in your faggot mouth. ---Then in that case.......that would be the 2nd Hetero-thing you've ever done in your whole life you cock-jockey'ing semen-slurping Democrat-voting faggot
Chase Smith
It is a hoax to induce the next great depression. The fix is id2020. You will take the chip
Grayson Peterson
>im 13 years old and have never seen a crisis before, the post.
Levi Moore
Let me know when 13% of the population dies.
Owen James
Omg, what a faggot. Your mom must have left you on the grill for too long.
Ryder Sullivan
Every flu season we're gonna start naming the strain and shutting down the country Feb-May. Because that's basically what we did this year.
This exactly. Even the Bubonic Plague only slowed us down for awhile. It won't be disease that gets us. It will be moslems or an asteroid.
Matthew Hernandez
what part about this virus only killing 80 year old people with co-morbidities do you not understand?
Angel Nelson
We will be more prepared next flu season though.
Kevin Ross
Literally fucking this x10000000
Asher Nelson
It kills anyone who gets it It keeps mutating until it finally destroys your body to death.
Michael Hughes
>extinction level >3% fatality rate
When does this absurd quarantine is lifted
Cooper Ramirez
Universal imperative will prevail
Dylan Butler
Holy shit we really are all gonna die.
Ryan Martin
Prove it
Connor Hernandez
>extinction-level >0.1% of young people who get it die >extinction-level anyone dying from it is past mating age or has so many health problems they shouldn't breed anyway this is, at best, a culling
Nicholas Evans
>IT KEEPS MUTATING!!!! >I read it on some website Kill yourself you stupid fucking cunt.
Blake Roberts
I hope we do this every year. I've really enjoyed spending time with my family and getting money for nothing.
Cameron Torres
Your immune system evolves it's response too nigger. It just matters which one wins the war.