Who would you rather have your children?
Latinas vs Jews
Neither. Must be with my race.
Left one
Is this even a question? Latinas are practically white.
Latina, why the fuck would I want more jews in the world?
Spic. That Jew fucks only bbc
Spics are Christian, can cook and will have my 20 children. I cannot take anymore tricks
Neeko owns marissa
latinas obviously
don't listen to retard pol-cels that say otherwise
Are these dudes? They're peddled everywhere
People who post these threads need to have their IPs banned permanently.
Rather trust Jesus Christ as my saviour.
Tough decision
Holy larp
Imagine thinking anyone would pick the tranny on the right over the beautiful latina neeko
Why are you over valuing women?
Latina. She's only berniepilled because she can't do shit. Jews are evil
Depends on the Latina. If it's a white Latina, like those typical of Argentina or Uruguay, then obviously I'll take one of them, if it's some Mestiza though, I'll take the Jew.
The Latina in this example is hotter, but only for the fact that she's incredibly fake.
Real neekolul looks like she just came out of some Central American jungle, and Latinas tend to looks like that on average only uglier and get extremely ugly top-heavy bodies once they start to hit their 30s.
That being said, the half-Jew offspring will look far more white (especially if Ashkenazi) and have higher intelligence, so I'll take the half-Jew offspring if my only choice was between some Mestiza and a Jew.
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basado y rojoempastillado
Neeko looks sunburned in all her pics. She can't look decent without that ridiculous blush.
Marissa any day
some day your mind will mature also, and you will also be unable to get an erection from all the mud women
Bro let the thread go already don't be a fucking glowy
So Muslim? Cool
Are you black? If so, she’ll fuck you
If not...
Latinas age like shit and are retarded. Give me the Jewess
You can cuddle them and talk about anime together
Jewish girls are too neurotic and annoying to fuck with
But user, I'm a mud person; I'm free of any boundaries
If I had to choose, OBVIOUSLY the Latina.
NOBODY is worse than the jew. Absolutely NOBODY
If you've ever painted anything you should find this picture alarming
She has a white bf
Isn't this an ad?
The kikess would probably try to have my sons' foreskins amputated, so probably the Latina.
The girl on the left because I’m not into trannies.