If you cash that Trump welfare check, you are what is wrong with America. Might as well ch your dick of and have everyone call you Katelyn and vote for Joe.
Trump welfare checks
Q predicted this
Ok bud I got mine through direct deposit I'll go to the IRS and give it back.
PSYCHE I'm gonna buy more Delta Airlines bitch come stop me.
If you got the check, you officially don't earn that much so you could probably use it for something. Pay off bills or pay down your debt, if you have any. If you don't, then definitely buy a gun and some gold bc this is clown world hyper inflation type shit.
lol I bet you didn't even get a check
You're either illegal or a NEET.
Trumpfare checks.
>cash that Trump welfare check
It was direct deposited into my account. I didn't cash anything.
Every US citizen has the right to take that welfare check, that's for what they were paying they're taxes
Ok Cindy
>paid $20,000 in taxes last year
>welfare check
Choose one shill
” the moon will shine ” - Q predicted this. The end times are nigh
OK Martha
Except for niggers, they take welfare all the year and throw it on drugs and cheap white fat bitches
>direct deposit
>I didn't even ask for it, it's just there
If you don't take advantage of something that's already happening and you can't stop no matter what, you're a chump
OK Betsy
OP said to call me Katelyn you little bitch get it right.
I'm not Batman's mom, cuck
OK Gertrude
Did you just assume my name identity?
This is offset on our next tax return, you dumb nigger.
You're just anther welfare queen
>paid $20,000 in taxes last year
No shit, this is nothing but a tax refund
Abolish the IRS
might as well get my money before the niggers spics and coalburners get it all
That's a dope ass white name, I'm okay with that
I think it's time we use our credit cards
I bet op is a boomer upset about millennials and zoomers getting money to survive the pandemic bc the old fag boomer has no workers with low income making them money, die old bitch
i cant get mine because my mom claimed me
Fuck off. I got my trumpbux this morning and spent it on a PS4, a Remington 870, and a half ounce of ketamine. Stay mad faggot. Hail Trump.
Up your libtard, Biden ridin Biden
You are right. I'm going to donate it to a good cause instead.
If niggers and illegals can get welfare every year without ever contributing to the system, I think I deserve to keep a small stimulus check that isn't even half of what I pay in taxes every year
I'm mutt Peruvian nationalistic, I'm not even in your country concha de tu madre, and I worked my ass off to have a decent amount of money in the bank that I am using right now to survive the pandemic
>doesn’t know about direct deposit