I do not think it is fair or right to call black people "niggers"...there are literally TONS of productive, well-spoken, educated black people in the world who are really great people
why do some of you think its ok to do this? >nb4 slide thread >nb4 shill >nb4 kike
African-americans, like many third-world cultures, do not value democracy or have christian values, and are openly communist conspirators against this country. They are essentially jewish pawns and the tip of the spear in the counterculture.
Michael Long
Sorry. I'll now refer to them as negros as this is less offensive.
Juan Bailey
"i've never worked closely with many blacks" is you ever do and your IQ is above room temp, you will hate them.
Asher Nguyen
anime is for beta males
Sebastian Allen
Camden Thomas
fuck off nigger
Jason Hill
I wish there was a more insulting word than nigger so I could use it. But not in a mean way. I could differentiate easier. Black people are not niggers though. Like Chink, I dont mean the word in a racist way, or Gook, Spic, Beaner, Mongs, Krauts, Frogs, Sheep Shaggers, lightbulb heads, kikes, camel jokies, zipperheads or convict, the wops, the cockroach, mountain jew, taig, mutts, and a few i cant remember. Im racist within my own race. Dont think your special.
I've worked with black people and niggers. The black people didn't like the niggers for making them look shitty for sure. Definitely not fair to lump all black people together.
I don't think it's fair to call a black person a nigger because they're black. Should be reserved when they acting like a nigger.
Lucas Edwards
we dont have degrees of kike though desu either. are there decent ones? I suppose...