A little flu turned Trumptards into welfare niggers.
A little flu turned Trumptards into welfare niggers
Adrian Watson
Owen Butler
Jonathan Gray
hur dur itz not socialsizms though!
*wipes mouth with sleeve*
Trumfps tweny tweny ! libatrdz
Oliver Garcia
Retardit is just fuckin RUNNING with this one I see
Lucas Reed
Imagine working for shareblue and thinking it matters when we have Russia to back us LOL.
Angel Kelly
if it's not called communism it's not communism bro
Nathan Brooks
>paying less in taxes is now welfare
Kill yourself
Jace Price
i think most trumptards have jobs or cushy retirement plans
Adrian Long
I can finally that nintendo switch! Im very excited!
Gabriel Bailey
Haha, America is fucking dying, you think I'm not going to sack the treasury on the way down?