Why does she make Yas Forums seethe so much?

Why does she make Yas Forums seethe so much?

Attached: queen.jpg (1241x1980, 177.11K)

only you care about this topic

I don't think she makes anyone seethe. It's just strange to see people worship a 30 something year old roastie who is trying hard to cope with her old age.

idk who the fuck this is but i want to cum inside of her mouth.

Literally who?
Couldn't care less about her

Shes 22

she tries so hard to be qt

she dosnt, shes cute and we like her

Ugly mutt

>painted on fake freckles
Why are they doing this stupid shit?

Go away fucking simp ! Go back to jewbook

45 and white filters.

oh, my...

Lmao fake tits

she's a cipher for everything that's wrong with America and the west its actually pretty understandable to be triggered by her.

did you read the interview with her? it makes one hell of a strong argument for killer asteroid 2020

Because she’s brown and beautiful

I'm certain that it's because you touch yourself at night.

Who? Leave.

someone keeps spamming. Literally the only thing that piss me off is the amount of spam pics.

>45 and white filters.
more like 100

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You know for only 13 she got some big tits

Attached: 1586680863810.jpg (1080x1080, 164.75K)

please americans, do not talk like a anime character.
this is not how normal people talk.
it is a little embarrassing too watch.
because she doesnt understand she is fool.
but i would also like to fuck this girl,
at full force in her vagina, mouth and anus.


We don't allow tranny buzz words on this forum.

>Why does she make Yas Forums seethe so much?
I honestly think it's mostly a function of how totally amazing her tiddies are. Have you even ever seen tiddies as amazing as that before?

Attached: Pepe gropes.jpg (764x512, 199.73K)

Shes a purty beanstress.

That’s a hard 22 bro

Stop posting little, brown Oxacan whores, Pedro.

read this and tell me it isn't astroturfing of the most blatant kind:
>Hi, guys. ^ _ ^ Personally, I’m doing a lot of social media stuff: TikTok, streaming [on Twitch] -- and because I’m home a lot and haven’t left the house in five days, I’ve got a ton of chores that I can’t keep up with, unfortunately. For anyone reading who’s looking for things to do, naturally, I recommend playing video games! If I wasn’t dealing with a bunch of social media stuff, I’d probably be playing "League of Legends" all day.

Attached: CCCCRINGE.png (680x384, 516.18K)

Literally who

I agree and its like watching a baboon. Thats what she reminds me of. A baboon.

>My real name is Nicole, but I go by Neeko online. I’m 22 years old, and I was born and raised in California and I recently moved to Texas. A lot of people ask about my ethnicity -- I’m Mexican and speak fluent Spanish, my streams are bilingual English and Spanish. My main hobby is playing video games and has been for most of my life. Outside of gaming, I like to watch basketball (my favorite team is the Dallas Mavericks), and, fun fact, I’m extremely passionate about the coffee chain Dutch Bros, specifically their energy drinks (plz sponsor me).

Attached: teeheei'maslut.jpg (524x700, 49.55K)

this is an old meme now

Saggy tits and a push-up bra just isn't popular 'round here.

omg she's gross!

This post is extremely low quality

>There isn't a current meme or trend I can point to that I’m a huge fan of … but ones I can't seem to escape are the other versions of “Ok Boomer.” There were some versions that took the right-wing position or even made fun of socialists -- they made me cringe pretty hard, but it’s all in good fun and I’m glad other people were inspired to make their own versions.

Attached: completeslut.jpg (525x700, 53.16K)

who is this mutt semon demon?


Goddamn she’s going to be a prune in 4 years. Get all the dick while she has any sort of worth I guess

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Based and Juggalopilled

post more of these titiites right now im hard as a rock



Dont care

I literally opened this thread and then farted.


Oh ho ho.... Shes a streamer! Not only does she take selfies but she streams. Loser.

>fake tits


I'm sure OP is the same faggot reddit shill posting her pics and these threads again and again

She does? First I've seen of her on here honestly.

In any case, she is so mediocre, has her simp army of Bernouts seen literally any other (non-ogre) woman before? At least Hit or Miss girl had an actual bizarre charm to her.

Not today, not ever rabbi

Attached: Seeth.jpg (700x465, 65.91K)

>not white nor cute
>spammed to death

Honestly shes cuter here. She has openly admitted to getting a tit job and her jaw also looks worked on. Shes more plastic then south koreans at this point. She is probably completely superficial too, like most ugly girls that become hot later in life.

she had a boobjob memeflaggot

Her face is lobsided and looks like a foot for one

Some people cant ignore a whore, they want to be moral but sonce they are so horny they lash out like the autistic surglords they are i dont particularly like thots but i dont go screaming about into the empty void

Want to know how I know you're gay?

>literal bean

Me likey


Shut up wetback, go back in your adobe hut

>she had a boobjob memeflaggot
Surely not! Such a pure woman would never do such a thing to deceive me so.

The bikini top is forcing the shape of the boobs too much to evaluate them fairly. Do you have an image without the bikini top serving this purpose?

Attached: Brittany Venti boobs.jpg (800x1640, 177.59K)

very cute. the more native they are the crazier they go for white dudes. it's science. literal vise grip pussy purpose built for white cock, and they try their best to leg lock your body in so you can't pull out. it's amazing. "mejorar la raza"

I would make some fuck with her if you know what I mean. Other than that she has no impact or relevance to me. The same as any other window dressing out there flaunting their titties. Probably most guys are somewhere in that same area of thinking.

Is there anywhere I can peep this hoe's chest?

It's purely for academic purposes. I swear.

She doesn't. No give a fuck here.

reviewbrah's sister is hot

>That meme
>That spacing
There is, but I won't tell you because of that.

Hey Brittany, how u been!

Attached: Hey.jpg (474x474, 117.49K)

>reviewbrah's sister is hot
Holy fuck this is something I need to see! Pics??

Attached: Review brah.png (472x410, 253.51K)

>moved to Texas
I can't move out fast enough. Montana, Wyoming or Idaho bros?


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Go watch her stream of piss fat ass

I could call you a rampant homosexual, on account of your flag, yet I do not. Show me de way, my brudda.

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she looks better here

her makeup is what makes me seethe

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