>Hosts the most successful podcast to ever exist >Has presidential candidates and A-list celebrities begging to come on his show >Smugly pretends like standup comedy is his main thing >Is one of the least funny popular comedians I have ever watched
Toe doesn't get the gig because he's funny He gets it because he's willing to take the money and shut the fuck up about ANYthing important One must understand, these weebs have fallen for the "there are some things Man was not meant to know" bullshit In this context, people who embrace ignorance possibly think his stand-up is wildly amusing.
Tyler Edwards
You sure hes not jewish? I have nothing.
Cameron Miller
>Toe Cringe bear detected. Go watch your bear jew.
Joseph Jackson
How easy is it for aryan white males to fuck Mexicanas?
Cameron Bennett
John Mulaney is the only funny standup comedian in the last 15 years and he's a crypto.
Daniel Sanders
Go listen to your favorite smoked out comedians podcast and watch some UFC for the commentary faggot get off Yas Forums.
Andrew Clark
hes not great but hes not terrible either. Stop listening to the memes, watch his stuff and form your own opinion.
Jack Myers
Got paid well for Fear Factor and made friends in a lot of places. He's a super extrovert. That's really all it takes.
Andrew Bell
I remember when he was sponsored by fleshlight.
Adam Miller
So it’s easy then. Thanks user.
Hunter Fisher
This is the most leaf post I have ever read.
James Young
He might as well be. He has glowniggers and unapologetic zio-Jews on constantly and he makes Eddy out to be a fuckin retard whenever Eddy doesn’t buy the Jew narrative and starts questioning this manufactured reality and OPs right Rogan would be the worst “comedian” alive if it wasn’t for Brendan Schaub bumping him to the second spot in that category
Eli Ramirez
His stand up is absolute shit and anything past ep 500 is shit unless he has edgy bravo on.
His podcast is the best thing he has ever done. I agree he is not funny
Grayson Turner
he's stupid but affable most people are just stupid
Brandon Bailey
Comedy is what makes him the big money. He said that the podcasts didn't make him any money until in the last 4 years and he's been doing this since 2009 or something.
Colton Phillips
I enjoy his podcasts but get burned out on how he plays dumb on alot of things. Someone give me some good podcast suggestions
Aiden Carter
Fash the Nation TDS Paranormies
Landon Parker
he doesn't play dumb. he's actually dumb.
Carson Mitchell
No Agenda with Adam Curry and John C Dvorak
Oliver Miller
I grew up watching Rogan. There was a point where I was one of 160 people watching live as Joe and Brian Redban were streaming from a webcam in Joes house. I literally watched the evolution of Joe go from a guy that questioned 9/11, the moon landing, and a number of other things to a guy that has opinions that are CNN friendly. Long story short I never watch his podcast anymore.
Caleb Sanders
Accurate. He was never valued for his fucking brain.
Samuel Gray
Fucking Based
Caleb Adams
Yeah Owen’s really Jewish, what with telling people to have kids, stop watching porn, and to hate degeneracy.
Carter Gomez
>Smugly pretends like standup comedy is his main thing I've never gotten this impression. He talks about it when he has other entertainers or comedians on because it's a common and relatable point of interest. I'm pretty sure MMA is still his thing above all else.
So basically he grew up and you didnt?
Jackson Carter
When was he sponsored? I went to a Joe Rogan show like back in 2013, he was garbage but in there was a cringy bit about fleshlights halfway through. Most people in the audience were like "wtf is a fleshlight?" and I was embarrassed to know. Would make alot of sense if he was sponsored for it, also would show he has zero integrity. Greg Fitzsimmons fucking killed it right before, made it worthwhile.