It is time to Admit that Trump really is Our Guy

Since Day One He has gone against the enemies Propaganda Arm.. Without their mouth piece they have much less Power.

Today He has De funded the Enemies Medical Arm, which is intent on bringing the NWO through Medical Tyranny.

Can we admit that Donald Trump is one of the Good Guys? He is excellent in playing all sides, while continuing to Win.

Trump 2020

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-15 Global battle erupts as Trump pulls WHO funding over coronavirus response.png (929x336, 58.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

based , /ourguy/ confirmed

Attached: 1573831126604.webm (480x848, 1.86M)

Look at all of those White Men, who Support Trump and Wear Jewish hats.

none of those people are white my dude

Yes, Jews are part of the White Genetic Cluster. When I say Jew, I primarily refer to the Ashkenazi Jew.
To the Anti Semites I say WHITE UNITY WORLD WIDE. All Clusters, All Nations, All Social Classes, All Religions. White is White, and no one may Determine White but the Genetic Mapping.

Do they have some variation? Yes, but they are no different than a German, or Italian, or Slav.. They are Sub Clusters of the White Cluster.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-16 Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism.png (849x441, 60.45K)

jews are not white
commie opinion discarded

ok whitey

I am very cynical but this move was based. fuck the who and all other global grifters from the nwo

Roths lost control of Fed capital flows for first time since what .. 1913? Hardly anyone knows this just happened.

Attached: Q-FED-Structure.png (2682x1861, 1.67M)

I am not a Commie friend, I do not Follow the Laws of Man, only God's law concerns me. God's Law is Nature, and Communism is Unnatural. The closest manifestation to Gods Law on this Earth is National Socialism , and Vedanta.

Attached: jewpc3.jpg (500x490, 34.55K)

>I am not a Commie
>links haaretz

he lied about chemical weapons attacks in syria, twice. he's a huge proponent of legal immigration. he's a kike loving faggot.

democracy has completely and utterly failed the west as a whole.

What.. are you a Non White Palestinian or something?
1 Maccabees : "Arius, king of the Spartans, sends greetings to Onias the high priest. 21A document has been found stating that the Spartans and the Jews are brothers and that they are of the family of Abraham. 22Now that we have learned this, kindly write to us about your welfare. 23We, for our part, declare to you that your animals and your possessions are ours, and ours are yours. We have, therefore, given orders that you should be told of this.” "

Attached: 800px-Erhard_Milch.jpg (800x1112, 177.63K)

>democracy has completely and utterly failed the west as a whole.
Yes, that's True. But, at this time He is WHAT WE HAVE.. So many on POL are intent on naming blame, and Black Pilling,, But so few are interested in Solutions or the White Pill.

The US isn't a democracy. The CCP are cock sucking faggots, and the israelis will eventually be a glass parking lot. Fuck off.

Next he'll force you back to work. Tough shit, "the economy is more important".

Khazars. Psychopathic. Neurotic. Degenerartive.

Fuck that traitor half goy rat

Pulling funding from the WHO is indisputably the most based thing anyone has done in a long time. Cunts in the UN must be sweating hard right now.

Attached: 4FF1D0F9-EEB6-4DC7-96A6-EDD21EACABA7.jpg (680x680, 50.71K)


Attached: trump_bombshells-1.jpg (1800x1271, 710.68K)

some spartans sending a letter dosnt make you not a commie


He’s got skills.

They're not totally retarded, surely they must have known a reckoning was coming some day for their transgressions.

Palestinian shitskin detected

trump is the god king emperor and the fact that he makes liberals mad is just icing on the cake

Jews are white, enough divide and conquer bs, don't fall for that shitskin's lies.

Yeah, the guy who allowed the Trump virus to kill over 28,000 Americans so far is Our Guy. If his goal is to kill as many Americans as humanly possible, he’s doing a great job.

shills MAD

>It is time to Admit that Trump really is Our Guy.
Seriously, he's our guy for getting large numbers of people to die as a result of a pandemic. He's literally cleansing the population of boomers and some minorities so that we can be a younger and healthier country in the future. Praise be to the Lord-Emperor-President!

Attached: Trump tired of winning.jpg (430x338, 37.43K)

Most of these morons got into their positions through nepotism, they aren't that bright. The usual game is they have leverage on everyone who could be a problem. Weirdly enough, they don't really seem to have anything on Trump. I am genuinely surprised by this as I honestly expected he had some skeletons but I think they worst they got on him is shit everyone already knew and no one cares about really.