Can people with covid, confirmed or suspected please describe your experience?
Can people with covid, confirmed or suspected please describe your experience?
I passed black diarrhea. I ran a fever of 105F and hallucinated all night. I couldn't sleep. I thought something was going to kill me. I blacked out and woke up having sex with a complete stranger.
Aside from the unpleasant parts, the sex wasn't half bad.
The virus is just the common cold you dumb faggot.
I learned more about Israel's bio weapons program, the Black Plague in medieval times, Bill Gates connection to Marina Abramovic, the Protocols of Zion, and the false dichotomies and jewstream media's role in hastening the coming of Mossiach.
Just a cough, fever, and some dizziness
And I have asthma. Was a good two weeks of sitting around in a robe and being more afraid of passing it along than of dying
Oh my goodness it was the worst flu in the world, it was awful, I farted all the time, my ribs fell out, my toenails dropped off, and everything.
So if your wife was cheating on you, what level of proof would you need? Obviously a bunch of flirty texts wouldn't be good enough because only seeing is believing. But, like, is seeing it through a window good enough, or do you need the sweat from his balls to be dripping on your face before you believe it?
I'm curious how you think.
>I blacked out and woke up having sex with a complete stranger.
Your hand isn't a stranger
Well, I feel a lot worse than my dad, who is working from home right now at his high-paying job as an executive at Nintendo. I feel so sick in fact that I could soon face the same fate as my cousin, who died a horrible, painful death at Sandy Hook.
True story...
Last Friday night I put on my safety mask and sodomized to death three octogenarian ladies at my local Assisted Living Facility in Brooklyn, NY.
Luckily for me the authorities have ruled their deaths as caused by COVID-19 and I think I’ll go out on another bender this weekend.
Had it early on. Real bad fever but the worse was the miserable shits that came with barely any warning and I threw up worse than I ever have. I couldn't keep a thing down for more than a minute before my body just sent it back up, even water. After about 4 days of this it felt more like a regular flu and then 5 days later I was feeling shitty but was good enough to go back to work
I died almost instantly
Paramedic on quarantine here: Confirmed positive for covid19 3 days ago. As of now, only a dry cough that is slowly getting worse. Doesn't help that I smoke though.
i have it right now too. went to the hospital and they stuck this tester thing through my nose and used the mucus as lube to fuck my ass
They did it wrong. They're supposed to stick it all the way up to your brain and leave it there
I had some chest congestion for a few days and slept more than normal. It was inconvenient.
Also this - I chain smoke, so the cough lingered a bit. Still have a reminant cough, even though I'm pretty sure I'm over it.
Imagine being raped by all the people. Imagine living for the day knowing you've been raped that day. Imagine even if you tried. [spoiler]Being raped[/spoiler] I hope one day you'll join me [spoiler]in rape[/spoiler] And the world will be as one [spoiler]again, in rape[/spoiler] Yooooohoooo [spoiler]COMMIT RAPE[/spoiler] I hope one dahayyyyyy you rape us. And the world will be as one rape.
this dude is really into cornoil
I suspect that I got infected last December, but I won’t know for sure until I take an antibody test. I had a dry cough with no phlegm and had no congestion. Had some muscle weakness and a run down feeling in general. It took almost 3 weeks to totally recover. FWIW, I’m 47 years old and live in San Francisco.
Jokes on you! I was hallucinating!
i think i have it. hocking up dark phlelm (ive been keeping it in tissues to record it) but i do smoke, breathing faster it feels like someone is squeezing my heart.
ive taken a beechams flu plus caplets and now it feel less warm.
watery poo. like porridge.
What the fuck is this thread
Do you feel 100% now? Any permanent damage you think?
That's not covid user, that's the flu.
Black shit is tar from smoking you should stop your body is telling you it's had enough for a lil bit my dude
very weird. it started with a fever, no other symptoms. fever lasted about a day. felt like i would black out if i stand up. after a day fever went away, and lungs felt weird. mild coof, but lungs felt inflamed or damaged in some way..
next 5 weeks felt weak, and 'not quite right' but nothing specific to point to just lower energy. feel fine now.
thats probably the first time i have looked at the american flag and felt genuine love, compassion and concern.
but the rest of the phlegm is a dark yellow like a darker version of number 4 but when it dries it looks like number 5.
theres one peice of phlegm i kept in my sink because i was amazed. about 3 inches long and inch wide.
ive got 3 smokes left for today. i dont get paid till the 27th. will that be enough of a break?
i've felt that for the last 3 days but i always assumed thats because of stress and my light is right above my head (hence heat)