What are some red pilled books like mein kampf?
What are some red pilled books like mein kampf?
>is coffee good for you?
ride the tiger by julius evola
I really liked Goblet of Fire
Sage coomer
memefag posting ugly girl, what else is new
imagine the smell
Are you a Jew trying to lead us to lust?
Wtf why do i keep seeing this in EVERY thread that i click on?
Is that Billie Eilish?
88nsm has fucktons of PDFs
>mein kampf 2!
In no.2, aDolf isn't a veggie fuckatd, leftwing socialist failure, far left animal rights activist, fighting a war on 3 fronts.....
starbelly sneetches who live on the beaches by dr juice
meaty ochre
Mein kampf is just hitlers rambling incoherent non sense. If you want red pills I suggest reading the law by Frederic Bastiat or some of the stuff Murray Rothbard wrote in particular what has government done to our money.
Murray Rothbard is a Jew so take what he says with a pinch of salt
1984 by George Orwell has had the single biggest impact on my life than any other book I've ever read. If you compare it to life today it is absolutely eye opening
Shit thread read curious George you fucking coomer chimp and shes definitely BBBC
Build for BBC
Biology of Belief
>Red pilled
It started on Yas Forums. Anons would make threads asking if coffee is a healthy beverage to consume. No one was responded because it was a shit topic so anons started posted pics of women like in the OP to get peoples attention and hopefully get an answer.
Individualism is the ultimate blue pill.
Makes sense that the huemonkey thinks ignoring your people in favor of yourself is good.