The holocaust simultaneously didn’t happen, was exaggerated, and was a good thing right?
The holocaust simultaneously didn’t happen, was exaggerated, and was a good thing right?
No genocide there in left and bottom.
Just kikes being held prisoner.
OP btfo
It happened, not to the extent the Jews would have you think, and certainly not as brutal.
But to deny the Germans weren't trying to exterminate the Jewish race is wrong.
I am glad the Germans killed as many as they did, because think of how many Jews we would have today had they not.
Too bad they didn't win the war and get rid of them all.
If you're asking me if jews should be exterminated, then my answer is yes.
"didn't happen" means it was exaggerated and would have been great if it really did happen.
it's exaggerated so badly that what is claimed is complete fiction compared to what actually occurred, it that sense it didn't happen.
what did happen was a good thing, and they claim happened would of also been good had it happened.
so, yes.
>Jewish race
Inbred Krauts and Slavs larping as sandniggers.
Honestly, at this point it's more like, "I don't care about the Holocaust." It's like slavery. Who gives a shit?
Schrodinger's Holocaust.
They why do population predictions show a dip of about 6 million?
Who cares it was a long time ago. 100m Christian's died in the wars. Weve gotten over it. Jews need to drop it already.
>Muh strawman
There was no holocaust.
At most a few hundred thousand Jews died during the war. Therefore the six million figure is grossly exaggerated.
Dishonest strawmen arguments is literally all you liars have.
about 300k kikes died of typhus and starvation while awaiting deportation, another million or so were deported to Palestine. That's it.
>There were no death roller-coasters, no masturbation machines, no magic death showers, no human soap or lampshades, or any of the other utter bullshit that the Jews claim happened.
they don't you literal tranny mentally ill faggot
post flag and ill post source
Do you understand what a strawman is?
There is a significant amount of evidence that shows a population dip of about 6 million, millions of bodies have been discovered in mass graves, pictures of camps, and millions of family/friend accounts.
the were no gas chambers or 6 million, though putting kikes in camps was based. Not that hard to follow really
>evidence that shows a population dip of about 6 million
what evidence?
>millions of bodies have been discovered in mass graves
>pictures of camps, and millions of family/friend accounts.
Yeah, literally millions of accounts yet the official story is that nobody knew it was happening
>No physical evidence
>No wartime german document mentions any extermination program
>No enigma intercept evidence
>Nazi "confessions" were obtained by torture
The reason why there is no evidence is because it never happened.
And yes, misrepresenting the things that people on Yas Forums say, which is what you did in OP, is a dishonest strawman.
Now go and spread your lies somewhere else.
Moronic conspiracy theorists annoy me.
Pic shows how everyone except top right is lying. Other three just show prisoners. Top right shows indoctrination, demoralisation and brainwashing to force white women to be impregnated by members of the negroid race.
It "happened", but it was only a few thousand Jew deaths and got wildly exaggerated for political and financial gain. You have to be completely retarded to believe the "soap and lampshades" or "fed to the wolves arena" nonsense, for example.
They don't but anyone can sure as fuck say that they do if it fits their narrative.
Most bodies were cremated, yet many mass graves still exist. Survivor accounts and Nazi soldier accounts is another factor I forgot to mention.
About 20 points of an IQ are wholly dependent on upbringing and environmental factors.
>America in 1920
>America in 1970
>America in 2020
>America in 2070
Whenever we press you, you cannot provide evidence for any of these alleged "mass graves", except for smaller graves of that contain partisan fighters, most of whom were not even Jews, who were shot for partisan activities, not because of duh "holocaust" in the east.
Allegedly, 900,000 jews were killed at Treblinka. Show me evidence of just 1% of that or admit right now that you are a Liar.
And 60% of blacks aren't felons. Your reasoning is shit you literal midwit
again, where are the millions of bodies which you claimed had been discovered? Where is the facility that can cremate millions? Where is the evidence of 6 million missing jews? All you have is accounts, which means jewish stories