How was Zion Don do easily cucked by Corona?
It was too easy for the stable genius to get fooled.
How was Zion Don do easily cucked by Corona?
It was too easy for the stable genius to get fooled.
the fat retard who was publicly retarded everyday of his life turned out to actually be retarded and not just pretending?
Cry harder incel
You said what Juden?
They call him Zion Don for a reason.
He has Ashkenazim Jew blood in him.
I don't think in low IQ terms like you, I think in gradual and trade-offs, what do I mean by that?
Gradual is when you get in a right-wing president that will slowly implement his policies like the left-wing presidents have been doing since FDR, think SCOTUS and Overton window, It's impossible for a single right-wing president to overthrow the Jewry in 8 years because it will be too obvious and too extreme for the mind washed populace, but if you can get multiple right-wing presidents successively that build on each other, then that goal will be ultimately achieved, undermining Trump's work achieves the goal of making right-wing presidency hard...And benefits the Jewry in killing that dream.
Trade-Offs mean what are the alternatives to your proposals? Attacking Trump ensures a Democrat Presidency, And that is bad of White people and benefits Jews and nonwhites, so this is the attack vector that shills usually employ to undermine right-wing presidents, Concern Trolling.
Okay, Chang.
You have been heavily cucked by Jews.
You just spent 15 minutes typing out Jew propaganda that you believe in your heart.
What else do your Jewish masters tell you to believe.
This kills
The jewish shill
Jew Shill Confirmed, let's see you debunk my points shill
You guys know that repeatedly calling him a "stable genius" just makes him MORE of a stable genius to other people, right? That's how human persuasion works.
I like how they are trying to say trump getting the black vote makes him cucked, but the minorities are the basis of (((their))) power and if a right wing president cuts them off it's a death knell for (((their))) plan. The country is 48% minority and most whites hate themselves at this point you are not gonna win SHIT shouting 1488 HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG constantly the masses have been too brain washed.
Trump already did.
The Jews must like how you take their cock in your ass.
Waste of an 88 , still no sources no proof and you still did not debunk his main point. You are the equivalent of a retarded man child saying
>Haha I showed that racist, what ever I say must be true with no basis in reality.
You don't know your own autism from your trained semitism.
The perfect Jew cuck.
>Again the jew sidesteps the argument knowing he will lose. He once again insinuates that this is his plan all along, and the user "is a jew cuck" hoping for angry outburst to distract from the perfectly valid and based points of
Ok, Shill now imagine if Trump said: "I'm the worst thing that could happen to Israel"... What would the Jew (You) reaction be?
Slow and steady wins the race not flat out spergery like you deman.
how did he get cucked? his wallstreet kike buddies scammed you trillions.
only for thee easily duped
>how was a 105 IQ trust fund baby beaten
I wonder
See he had to call all of his kike friends
Kek I love fucking with these shills and discord trannies
I don't give credit to Jew propaganda. Go watch RT or Fox News if you want to see more of that shit.
5 posts in and you're talking about dicks. What is it with you "people"
Faggot please ,again with moving the goal posts /topics. First offHas not been debunked. Second continue trying to guess who I am and what might make me angry enough to change topics. The easiest way to defeat an enemy is to know how he operates. Please continue calling me a jew cuck all you like, and show how little you know of how to argue and that is indeed correct.
Jews law the more they dislike the argument, or can't win the possibility of them mentioning their dicks grows exponentially
>How was Zion Don do easily cucked by Corona?
Hollywood actors so smart which is why they vote democrat. Trump stupid. He think virus man made in China lab from chimera virus strain Obama sell to China in 2015. But if this true - Microsofts MSNBC would say so because they real news and care about us which is why they never lie. We so lucky Bill Gates make vaccine to save us.He very honorable good man. I cannot wait to be chipped with vaccine. We must vote Biden to ensure this happen to make America of United States good again..
Kek my sides
I not understand?? I am no Chinese propagandists but real blooded American. I like trucks and beer and wrestling. We must support Biden because he tuff on China.
Anons like you give me hope for Yas Forums
lol thanks! Have a MAGA night my fren