Why Haven't You Become Orthodox Yet, Yas Forums?

The Orthodox church has time and again taken a firm stance against Zionism and international Jewish influence and Jewish subversive ways in ways the other fallen, pozzed churches haven't.

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there antisemitic

Get used to it, bro

I grew up Catholic but would switch. Any recommendations on how to find good orthodox church? which type, someone spoonfeed me

Antisemitism is a spiritual sickness

Orthodox christians confirmed best christians.

Go to this website, which will show you orthodox churches of every type or whichever types you want on a map.

The greek churches tend to have lots of congregants, perfect for meeting new people, but the mass is often partially English and partially Greek. Also the hierarchs of the greek church, some of them at least, are zionist deep state agents but the individual parishes themselves are fine.

Antiochian churches tend to be welcoming of new people visiting.

>implying that's a bad thing?

because christianity is a fake and gay version of judaism

Yes, Antiochian is a good choice. In America, the Antiochian church doubles as both an ethnic church for Syrian/Lebanese people, and a converts church

Firstly theology
Secondly corruption
Thirdly ethnicity

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where at?

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Orthodox Church in America, the church listed in the article I posted above, that is also a good choice but many parishes are very small and often are ethnic Russian churches with English masses.

>implying sickness isn’t bad

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How about you stop being a faggot?

Mt Athos elder who predicted the shutdown we are experience now, has spoken out against zionism.

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you fags, the green text is always implying. lurk moar.

>youre not gay at all
>im not gay at all
>all this isnt gay

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Lol they should check out the koran.


Orthodox are based. Hard to find a good church innawoods though.

Can't get confirmed with all these damn coofers run'n about


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Show nose

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the jews have been forcing prophecies for years. this jew trick is called Christian Zionism which calls for multiple fulfillments of the same prophecies. OT texts regarding the return to Israel from the Babylonian captivity have now morphed into the creation of modern Israel. It's all quite silly but the powers that be are using this as a blueprint to convince weakminded sheep that current events were foretold thousands of years ago; christian pastors are every bit as guilty of disseminating this bullshit as the globalist jews. Yes, there will be a "mark of the beast" eventually. 50 years ago the UPC barcode was the prime candidate - today it's ID2020. Christian anons would do well to ask their pastors views on this matter. Atheist anons not wanting to take the chip would do well to larp as a christfag; if only to buy a bit of time. Mandatory chip will be the straw that breaks the camels back

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Because I'm not dumb enough to replace Zionism with Bolshevism when there are far superior alternatives.

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Anti-Semitism is a spiritual sickness because it grew up in a sense as a rejection of what the Jewish people are and the spiritual revolution brought to the world by the Jewish people. Ethical monotheism, the idea that there is no moral relativism. The fact that some Jews have fallen victim to moral relativism is the ultimate irony because the Jewish Revolution was that there is one standard. One God and one standard. That is the revolution that Jews brought to the world.

And then they rejected that along with God when they rejected Christ and nailed God incarnate onto a cross.

Bolshevism was an invention of revolutionary atheist Jews

>because they don’t worship my favourite rabbi they have abandoned the principles of ethical monotheism