>virus is ending
Virus is ending
It’s ok bro, my peener happens to be soft if that’s a happening
Don't worry, widdo kitty, CV19 is the prelude to the biggest event in world history -- you...HAVEN'T figured it out yet?
same. i kinda hoped we would have atleast 1 ousted governor or mayor. kinda hoped a school or 2 would become insolvent. was waiting for a total overhaul of visas and immigration as a cherry on top. none of it happened.
Op please respond to me I thought in was funny
>virus is ending
To explain this to you as a metaphor, coronavirus is a fire and quarantine/lockdown is a hose. right now we're blasting the fire with as much water available to us, severely repressing its power, which is why the "curve is flattening" or whatever.
In the long term, that really doesn't fucking matter. Because as soon as you stop spraying water the whole house is going to go up in flames. So really the only option we have now is to extinguish the flame entirely by quarantining ourselves for like 4-5 months, at LEAST; either that or let tens of thousands (maybe even hundreds of thousands) of people die and start the cycle over from the fucking beginning.
and guess what: a lot of people don't like being locked down for 4-5 months. a lot of people are fucking stupid. so we will see this thing flare up in various areas again and again to keep fucking stabbing us.
we're not done with this, we're just getting into the groove of things
we've only just begun.
China has been trying to deal with it for 4 month now and they still have regularly new outbreaks.
This shit is going to haunt us for the next few years
US hasn't even stated getting its surge of re-infected. I see more fun on the horizon
And making China pay what it owes should be fun
This is the same quality of thread as the demoralization spam.
good. Fucking faggot
Ol' Gramps Nurgle was merely sampling what he had stored in his attic. Oh there's so much more
>virus ending
Bitch it just reached 8000 daily deaths, highest number so far by far, what the fuck are tou talking about?
the proxy war to restimulate the economy should satisfy you in a couple years then
Second wave is imminent.
>So really the only option we have now is to extinguish the flame entirely by quarantining ourselves for like 4-5 months, at LEAST
That's nonsense, it spread from 1 to 2 million before, why wouldn't it happen again?
I bet if you xray her you'll see a microwave somewhere in her body.
Here's what's going to happen.
>Quarantines are going to slack off a little due to the curve "flattening"
>People are going to start acting less "safe"
>The few people still contagious that weren't tested, checked or whatever are going to infect people coming out
>Gov's are going to try to enforce new quarantines
>People are going to call nothingburger on that shit, sicne the last wave wasn't that hard
>Going to spread like crazy
Until we have a vaccine, it's guaranteed to cause chaos. Estimates are between 12 to 18 months. Nobody's going to last that long.
>Until we have a vaccine
Or just develop immunity. How come everyone seems to forget that we have a fucking immune system, and default to vaccine or lockdown as the only two options
explain or gtfo
Because, from what we gathered, people can catch it twice.
Because this virus has shown it can btfo our immune system with people getting reinfected immediately after leaving quarantine/self isolation.
Nope we're almost in the clear, you lose.
US new cases are going down. That means deaths go down in 2 weeks.
Kek fucking delusional. Its just begun
benis. I knew it
Of course it's ending, did you see Michigan today?
tens of thousands die annually from the flu too
in fact a huge portion of covid deaths are people who should've died from the flu this year but caught corona instead
fuck off retard
You should know by now nothing ever happens
are you posting from 2024?
Thx pal I appreciate you
That's just shitty tests user, did they die?
You can get the same strain of flu twice the same season you dumb nog
>in fact a huge portion of covid deaths are people who should've died from the flu this year but caught corona instead
they are complying. look at them hiding in their cars.
Except that's bullshit. It's been explained before. Essentially say you have 100% virus then you get tested. That's a positive test. You get sick and eventually recover but not to 0% but instead 3%. They test you and it's below the threshold the test can detect so it's a false negative. Your immune system loses out to that 3% and you go back to 50% infection. That's not reinfection. You didn't get antibodies yet. They're only seen antibody development maybe a week after recover. So you have to actually stay healthy in that window or it could flare up again before your body can lock it out.
plot twist, there never was a serious flu problem. the seasonal flu has killed twice as many people.
But the Chinese will totally use this opportunity to stir up a bunch of shit. their propaganda arm is working overtime all over the world to manipulate the narrative and infiltrate governments
Only Trump said it's ending
Because by then enough people will have gotten it (but over a few months and not all at once so the hospitals are overwhelmed) that herd immunity can kick in. Although I would say user's estimate is actually super low. In a perfect world, if everyone did what they're supposed to, 16 months is a more reasonable guess.
Or not, several areas of US and the rest of the world could be infected and slowly spreading.
This, to be quite fair to you and everyone else present, is blithering nonsense
It will surpass regular flu annual death toll in a couple of weeks
The shit has only just begun to hit the fan, my friend.
Flu kills up to 650,000 world wide
Crona barely above 100,000 . Absolute retardation
Use your brain friend. The number of infected is likely way higher than reported cases but the deaths are starting to plateau. That means it's not as deadly as it seems. See Iceland. 50% asymptomatic. America thought it was only 25%. That means there's a huge chunk of people that don't feel shit.
Death-rate is less than 0.5% so it's really not going to be so bad except for the depression and government chimpout taking all our rights.
Except it's true. The tests have a threshold of accuracy and if the virus dips below that you can get a false negative. You haven't confirmed reinfection until you take a person that was positive, gets confirmed for the production of antibodies, then gets infected again. Anything else is just a resurgence.