Should I inform my family the Jews are conspiring to destroy the White Race? It seems like such a huge redpill to drop but it's fucking necessary.
Should I inform my family the Jews are conspiring to destroy the White Race...
Scale of 1-10 how retarded is your family?
No, the opening redpill should always be 9/11. 9/11 was done by primarily jews, mostly amercian zionist jews operating in the bush administration and Israel in order to hijack US foreign policy and military for their uses.
My family is actually pretty intelligent, they are successful people. They acknowledge that White areas are better areas. They are race realists. I think the redpill on the Jews must be dropped. Our race and nation is at stake.
I did it. They are also anti-semites. Had no clue.
One of the toughest redpills to swallow is that it's really fucking hard to redpill other people. They must discover it for themselves.
Dew it
Don't be a faggot about it like you're coming out of the closet. Just bring it up in normal speech I mean fuck. I talk about niggers and Jews all the time and we laugh about them.
Do you guys have weird relationships with your parents where this doesn't happen or something?
Yeah I used to open with the Fed but normies are way too retarded for that.
I think we need to spread the word. Like Hitler had this shit taught in schools. We need to spread the fucking word aggressively. IT'S THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH IS ETERNAL
I recommend 'Legendary Sin Cities: Berlin'.
Canadian kikes made a documentary jerking themselves off over how depraved they made life for Germany during Weimar. The first 20 minutes contain a lot of info.
>are not aware of kikes
Honestly how do anons who come from retarded families cope? I was taught about the jq before i was in middle school. Then again i come from an educated family with central european roots. Everyone back there knows about kikes. Its hilarious when they openly talk about kikes over there at mealtime. What a shithole canada is.
redpilling is a gradual process. if you come up with something like "current crisis is jew psyop to create another great depression which will be "fixed" by id2020" they will just look at you crazy
I understand. It has to be calculated though. You have to start with very basic concepts and only hard facts. If you go too fast you will be crushed by counter-ops such as "Nazi", "conspiracy theorist", "schizo", etc.
Tried redpilling my mostly female intelligent family but they lose their shit and start crying as soon as I say corona is fake. It’s like they know I’m right, but can’t face it bc it’s blasphemy against the state religion. Clear cognitive dissonance.
Depends. Remember almost all Boomers/Gen X-er's have had 40-70 years of literal Jew propaganda directed at them from the talmudvision. For a lot of them it might be irrecoverable damage. Like how EBIL TEH NAZIS were. Or how EVIL it is to point out Jewish influence in general. Or how MEAN racism is. Or how BASED Israel is - our greatest ally after all!
The reason why there's more youthful "anti-Semitism" today is because we've been blessed by kike-free media like Japanese stuff and Yas Forums. We KNOW kike influence when we see it. We KNOW what it looks like when it's absent (actually good). Most Boomers are hopelessly blind to that. It's also why they tend to hate anime. It confuses them because it is SO alien from tribe-approved media.
My brother, on the other hand, was not afraid to point how powerful/plutocratic Jews are at a family dinner one time. Oh, he's still a Zionist and has nothing against them, but sometimes you never know if somebody's been starting to notice.
Don’t say that or you’ll look retarded. Jews aren’t trying to destroy only the white race, they are only trying to better their own race. They are trying to line their pockets and benefit themselves. The reason why they have been kicked from 109 countries or whatever is because they manage to fuck everyone over by only bettering themselves
Wait Corona is fake? Fill me in
I work for the Federal Government and I’ve been making comments at work about Jewish Bankers for years, everyone at my office starts out offput by me, but now I work with 41 people who hate Jews.
My family is so blue pilled that I could never get anywhere with it. I'd just be excommunicated from the family, which wouldn't be a huge loss.
I come from a family of shitlibs who had huge potential but ended up taking career paths like "special education teacher" (read nog tamer) and "environmental lawyer" (read used an advanced degree to make almost no money).
Even in their autumn years, witnessing our once idyllic city go down the sewer, they still think the leftists are the good guys.
It's not fake. He's talking about the fake outrage. It's turning out to be a little worse than the flu but not an all-consuming death virus.
Just die you parasite
I meant that it’s a psyop to cow us into giving away rights, accepting id 2020, etc., and that social distancing is clearly social conditioning. The virus itself is probably real, but comparotively mild and a lot of covid figures are inflated and fabricated due to hysteria/precalculation.
This is the single greatest thing you can do for the cause. Tell everybody. Friends, family, co-workers. Get out there and redpill people. This is exactly what they don’t want us doing, so go do it. Redpill everyone you know, and sleep well at night knowing that you did something. I really mean this with every fiber of my being. Don’t be afraid. The truth is on our side, and the truth will set us all free.
At least you will be able to say you did something. You tried
>Even in their autumn years, witnessing our once idyllic city go down the sewer, they still think the leftists are the good guys.
That's really weird. I've heard people on here say that they had family like that, but I mean shit, you guys can't even speak candidly to them? My grandma is a liberal college professor and now fully convinced the Holocaust was bullshit. It isn't too difficult if you stand your ground.
Bump for this based post.
Yeah no. I don't think I have had a candid conversation with my parents in my life and maybe 1-2 with my siste.r
I am candid all the time and my family freaks out on me all the time bc of it. It is crazyhow entrenched in the bluepill most ppl are.
NO. No. Do not just go out there and dole out "le epic redpills!" to everyone. There is an art to this and if you fuck it up like an autist then you discredit the actual good ideas. This is why we see JIDF counter-ops in here every day spamming (((((((IT WAS THE JEWS HURRRR))))))). They are normalizing the sight of unreasonable, retarded posts so that we are discredited by association.
If you want to drop redpills that's fine, but it needs to be approached carefully. When you're out of shape and you want to run a marathon you start out slow with one mile per day.
I’m shit at subtlety, I don’t have the patience. Give me some tips, senpai?