What the fuck happened?

What the fuck happened?
Everyone in America acts like a 14 year old girl craving stupid attention

And don’t give me that “they’re relieving stress” bullshit you don’t think the nurses and medical workers throughout American history weren’t stressed? Think civil war nurses did this shit?

America has no dignity and is lost

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yeah this shit is disgraceful
tiktok and instagram should ideally be banned. absolutely 0 positive influence.

have sex, incels

We let women vote and so now everyone wants to be a woman

>Everyone in America acts like a 14 year old girl craving stupid attention
Women don't mature emotionally or mentally out of their teens

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Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

First picture isn't in the US though.

Go back simp nigger. They should be doing their job not posting stupid meme videos of them shaking their ass.

Okay incel. Go tell your grandmother that to her face.

You decided to spend the weekend shitposting and masturbating.

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White men are faggot chickenshit retards

They let their culture get raped
They let their kids get niggerfied
They cry about their dead grandfather
They blame minorities for everything

Cracker devil is the most evil when he's bawwing about something he can just fix by not being a bitch ass peckerwood crybaby

You have absolutely no idea what these women do or what they were "supposed" to be doing at the time they made their fun tiktok video. You're just assuming because you're an asshole.

Why would he? She would have a temper-tantrum like a child.


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>What the fuck happened?


My grandmother would probably agree

black influence on greater american culture

Lmao piss off. 0 reason to do bullshit like this on the job. This is childish nonsense. No respect for anyone making retarded videos like this.

don't blame it on the sunshine
don't blame it on the moonlight
don't blame it on good times
blame it on the smartphone

>the last time whitey took things into his own hands your race was enslaved for hundreds of years and is still emotionally triggered to this day
>whacha gon do wyte boi?!
You better hope you never get an answer to that question, jamarcus.

no u

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The 60s were a mistake

The Pocketjew.

This is true the nurses are doing big booty twerk tik toks so stupid

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Damn you’re based clear logic fact based argument absolutely no reason

Just ban thots. Literally outlaw it

The nurse Tik Tok dancing videos are the cringiest videos I've seen all year.

>America has no dignity and is lost

The WORLD has no HUMANITY... The world is dying.

Wave goodbye...

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She also believes jews are gods chosen people

Because viral videos are more and more becoming new celebrity

Shut up and let a woman take your job you limp dick faggot

Gee, well they are in uniform and in a fucking hospital. I dont give a shit if theyre on break or not. Its fucking shameful and inappropriate. People are losing their lives and losing their livelyhoods. Theres a time and a place

And women complain about not being respected in the work place...hmm


all that really.

then again, ask your self WHY you a watching this shit in the first place?