>Gook virus came from a lab
Everyone is talking about that, huge, obviously, but everyone is glossing over pic related in the same reporting. This wasn't WHO misfeasance, this is malfeasance.
>Gook virus came from a lab
Everyone is talking about that, huge, obviously, but everyone is glossing over pic related in the same reporting. This wasn't WHO misfeasance, this is malfeasance.
Other urls found in this thread:
WHO is owned by China.
oh fuck yeah, that was absolutely astonishing, couldn't believe it when i saw it
Yes, Israel is such a reliable source lol
Chinese shills are somehow the most pathetic and out of touch of all shills.
we kill the WHO
it's so crazy
it just might work
Can't even think of an argument uh?
it actually is tho
I noticed this today too.. China getting the blame on multiple stations and different shows.. War Drums are starting to beat..
Absolutely basasado, baesdu, baesdo. Tbqh microwave the China communist party and canonise the whip man of Australia
maximum cope
chankoro spotted
Also I disagree with my government on the Taiwan recognise issue, and I won’t go to jail for that. Can you do the same chinamen ????
ROC is a government in exile that will die in exile. What’s the point recognizing them over China proper? Chinks wouldn’t even want to be ruled by them. The US used to recognize them as the defacto government of China but they gave that up a long time ago when they realized it wasn’t going anywhere.
True story but Japan never surrendered to China. They surrender to ROC. Which was already in exile in Taiwan and was never the legit government of China
We all knew about this but I didn't think it would actually hit the mainstream
This is my kind of plot development
Can't wait to find out what happens
Like all shit made in China, it's lower quality compared to the American counterpart.
The best part is that Taiwan is more Chinese than China because of the cultural revolution. The CCP doesn't even know how to be Chinese.
coronavirus subreddit cucks BTFO
did you make this, general tso?
kek the Washington post just published an article saying trump was right about WHO all be it not glowingly
they need to beat faster. otherwise foreigners will do irreparable damage to our academic culture and morale.
i hate how i must hope and wish for this. i don't want to resent an entire people, but i have no recourse. perhaps they don't care what i think.
>not chink
As usual, the kike rats have to muddy the waters of specifics and cause some kind of D&C related confusion even while posting about the truth. And you rats wonder why so many people hate you. You do it to yourselves.
I'm not even saying that the WHO didn't help China. The WHO answers to the UN, and most UN countries simply do not recognize Taiwan. The man wasn't going to make a bold political statement just to please the journalist, that decision isn't up to him. Taking this as proof of China's control of the organization is absurd. He could have handled the question better by regurgitating some pre-cooked line about their official position on the matter, I suppose.
In the end, the WHO will never openly go against the interests of a country sitting on the UNSC.
I did!
These traitors need to be dealt with accordingly. If any world governments have any balls, they would hang by their necks.
Ahahaha, we’re gonna nuke Wuhan
>In the end, the WHO will never openly go against the interests of a country sitting on the UNSC.
Fuck off, faggot. It went against every member of the UNSC except China by allowing this to spread and sucking China's micropenis every step of the way. Every thing about this was a coverup and everyone paying attention knows this. The WHO knowingly allowed the rest of the world to get infected. They intentionally sped the process along.
all be it... jesus fucking christ
Fox News is not a credible source of information. Wait until literally any other news outlet confirms this information before looking into it.
Indeed. Our hands are full dealing with all this shit, but once we get a grip on it I can see a war happening. As more die in the US, and around the world, hate will build more and more towards China. I don't see how a war is avoidable desu.
Their decisions were based on data given to them by China. Besides, The WHO doesn't have any real authority, it is your own government that allowed you to get infected. "Everyone paying attention" knew about the virus regardless of what the WHO was saying. Measures only came weeks after this.
Oh for the love of-- fuck off, kike rat.
fake and gay
China lied. WHO repeated the lies. People died.
Now WHO and CCP die.