I live alone, how am I gonna find my trad wife if I can't socialize, and dating apps are dominated by roasties?
Finding good women in the current state of society
Even if you find one, it's only until you run out of resources. Once you're out of money, she's out of there.
By getting a big dick and a hot bod
It takes time and a lot of luck
Also you need to not look anything under a 5/10 or you're doomed
I just changed my tinder picture to one of me in church and suddenly I'm matching with non roasties
Maybe there is hope lads
>if I can't socialize
it's over for us, fren
Chang here. I don't really understand the situtaion. Is it really normal for wives to fuck other men? I mean young thots are always whoring around but are they restless even after settle down? Are there any points left for men to pursue a stable relationship?
No, obviously not
The marriage/divorce laws are what's really going to fuck you over. The only thing I can recommend to guys who NEED to get married, is to move to a third world (or maybe like some former soviet block) country with no feminism and just stay there. Do not take her back to your feminized country or she will turn on you. It's harsh, but it's the only way to protect yourself.
That's Will Grier's wife nice choice for the original pic user. Will is a pretty big inspiration with his family and his life.
"a lady never tells"
women will never tell you their sexual exploits in honest detail especially if she sees you as someone who can "go the distance" as opposed to someone to fuck. (hence the guys who fuck her on first date are not seen as long term material) the latter will get to hear some juicier stories of her sexual past but the former is strictly on a "i must behave until i get the exclusivity/ring" basis. why do you think women over 25 are mostly lost cause? because given that much time after they hit puberty, there's no way an unwed, childless woman past 25 would not have miles of dicks to count and the divorce stats dont favor those who have high partner count.
women want to have them all, they want the diligent beta to make money and fuck chads on the side for excitement or whatever their lizard brain tells them to on that particular day. once married, a bad woman will kickoff her whole game plan on making it happen, even if it means to throw away her family and everything you two have built up together.
are you some kind of catch?
Fucking selfish and soulless whores. Their whole life obey to only one goal - to satisfied their own needs. They won't give a flying fuck to the 'good' guys need and feelings.
We are all tools now to women. You are either a ATM or a living dildo.
Sorry for my English but it is pretty much my current understanding
Church - and a proper one - none of this Hillsong shit
I'm 26. At this point I'm fucking done with women. I'm intentionally gunning for an 18-20 year old while I still can, doesn't guarantee shit about her purity but it's the best I can do at this point. Being red pilled about women sucks ass and I never thought I'd be one of these guys, but who cares? Some sexy photos and proper social media handling and I'm pounding broads left and right while I'm finding one with a triple digit IQ to breed.
chang, here's a redpill you are gonna swallow today
the only woman who will love you for being you, is your mother, unless she's an absolute shit of a human being. otherwise, every woman you come across on this planet will only love you conditionally.
and secondly, women do not love men. get that idea out of your system. only men love women but women will not love men the way we love them.
a woman is as choosy as the number of her options. a man is as faithful as the number of his options.
When you match with them, ask them if math is related to science. If she reads here and is therefore desirable, she will answer
> mom love you for being you
> women love you conditionally.
> a woman is as choosy as the number of her options
I was working from home for the past 3 years. Destroyed my social life. Decide to find a normal job and start socializing more. I dont like dating apps. With the turn of events Im home alone.
Before I had had hope, now its fading. Today I dont know any woman worth dating.
you're not missing much man, learn to be okay living by yourself. i came to the realization that everything is just easier when compared to my friends who might be married or is dating someone. everything has a price. if you're single, learn to recognize its advantage and get the things you want done
I think most values of a stable relationship are replaceable. You can have good buddies and pets for love and trust. You can hire ethots for sex. (you are suposed to be able to afford this because you focus on your own development without any family burden)
All the needs can be satisfied more efficiently if you find solutions for them separately and most importantly, you can avoid the risk in the 'stable' relationship (which is super high nowadays)
Even if there was a talking P-Sleeve, Meatsack, Biocunt, in your house with you - would you not still be alone?
Staring over at the overgrown child with tits who never finished growing up past her teen years.
Not understanding you or wanting to understand you.
If you want to kill the need for women?
Read FDS and PinkPillFeminism.
You'll be averse in no time.
Trust me. I am
XD KooooOOOooOOn (I'm gonna Kooooon)
Only "trad" women I've ever met were mexican catholics.
I feel like it would be a fun quest though to go to mexico and you either come out with a qt 3.14 trad mexican wife or you end up just another body hung up on one of the freeways
it also depends on what you want out of this game call life.
some people want families and something that lasts. just be thankful chang that you are a man. you can play this game all the way til you are in your late 50s. the same cannot be said about a woman.
He's right about the age thing.
thanks for all the input lad. May the force be with you.
You won't if you're a lolberg. Fix your retarded 2009 teenager ideology first.
bend the knee to our Lord Jesus Christ
go to church
if the pastor doesn't talk about evil i.e. how to recognize it but talks about open borders, welcoming fake refugees by telling the story of the good samaritan
find another church
if found,
just say hello, introduce yourself and be honest, you're looking for a wife
before you know, a qt will appear
keep us posted
I am so glad I am a man, I dont even care that I'll die sooner
It's a honeypot you retard
shit I just signed up, will I get vanned?
Seconded. Old and divorced here. Women are incapable of true love. They just turn it off like changing a shirt.
They will still absolutely demand every fiber of your being, though.
doxxed more likely