Jews fight up front
fuck chyna
Personally, I wondered if they were 'cleaning up' some of their mess.
Sticking around for moar.
Imagine agreeing to not prepare to defend yourself.
Good. Better now than in 10 years. War with China was inevitable. They've been building towards it for a generation. Time to end the Chinese menace and save the planet.
Could be planning on resigning the whole government and oblitering the bodies and all sick shit they do
The war would be every single country on the planet VS China. They don't want that, they would crumble within days.
The chink is not an agent of the Jew, the chink schemes like the Jew
China still has not forgiven the zionist, for the nuking of Tianjin in 2015
I dont think it would be, in my mind for a nuke fun time to not happen it would be a naval focused war, the taiwan straits crises: the bigger boogaloo, a blockade, embargo, but most of the world wouldnt participate
Trump made virus. So stupid blame China to win election. It is nothing burger. Drink Budweiser and watch football. Nothing happens
>The war would be every single country on the planet VS China
You underestimate how much of the world China has in its pockets.
Reminds me of something...
War with china would turn into china suiciding. They excel at destroying themselves historically.
>The war would be every single country on the planet VS China.
I dont trust that Germany or Canada would join, nor our ally Turkey.
any chance I can get some sort of truncated review of this event?
Not like it matters, the finished nukes given to the military will end being sheet metal tubes filled with sand
Chinks didn’t do their job right at the chemical factory
Chinks get smoldered
The end
yeah they've been pushing this hard in the media
Mr Schiff, you dropped this.
Send the niggers that got trumpbux... Then we can get rid of the kikes and the rest of the mudslimes at home
I’m from Buenos Aries and I say glass the bugs!
We already did and lost. The Vietnam war was a proxy war between the USA and china.
Wow shills are in full force this month, whats the pay? i might join.
We didn't lose. We just decided to stop sinking resources into an overseas conflict in which leftists made it difficult to achieve our objectives.
Yeah idk. I want a second income but the shills are greedy and never tell ya where to sign up
We're not going to militant war with China, even if we did nobody is going to engage in nuclear war, all it does is radiate the planet fucking everybody over, and we have other weapons that are far more advanced and clean.
Instead we will do as we have been and make them pay their fucking dues, or we can always go back to those clean new weapons I just mentioned.
Except we didn't lose. We won every single battle and stopped the spread of communism in Asia. That was the goal. Communism began to fall after Vietnam and we won in the end. Even China is slowly abandoning Communism.
Have you not seen the state the US is in right now?
preparing is not our governments strong suit nor is reacting it seems.