We rich now boys. $1200 is probably more money than most of you have ever laid eyes on, let alone dreamed of receiving in a single check.

I know most of you are gonna spend it all on the day you receive it. So how are you gonna blow it all?

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>We rich now boys. $1200
What do you think that we're all here trying to unwind after a hard day working cashier down at the safeway?

We get our shit comped.

I think a bar plot histogram of the average net worth of the people who lurk here would surprise you.

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If you're spening it on anime toys, guns or other bullshit then you don't deserve the money.


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no, i dont, i don't need it.

but i got it anyway


Gonna invest it, in a big ass brush guard and halogen lights for my truck! Yeeeee hawwwww

I just saved it. Come at me

my check goes to back child support. ohio is fun. but i should be close to caught up. might get some of it.

lel...children thinking 12 benjis is big money.

I’m still working. I’m three months ahead on my mortgage. 2019/2020 Roth contribution is made. No cc debt.

I don’t even know what to spend it on.

Dump it in silver before it goes back up. You should be able to double it inside of six months.

I put 1k in savings and bought a pull up/dip stand because the fucking gyms are closed

getting the equivalent of $1400 in bongland with borisbux, life is good

Did you have to get license to accept the money?

OP thinks we're niggers. $1200 doesn't even cover all of my monthly expenses, luckily I'm still employed

>So how are you gonna blow it all?
Gonna "blow" it all. Seriously though, gonna invest it on something. Still haven't figured out yet. And before you Yas Forums faggots start shilling your cryptos, NOT INTERESTED.

Paying off my credit cards and putting new struts on my car.

no LOICENSE required, all I had to do was email my work and say "i accept this money"

So what you're saying is you're a degenerate gambler?

Anyone else today log into that site they put up to check your payment's status and find nothing?

fiance visa fees for my flip fiance

I haven't gotten it and I'm acting as if it's not coming because if I know our government they'll fuck it up.

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In Canada, we're receiving CAD 2K per month. I'm paying my half of the mortgage, bills and essentials with it.

yup. "cannot check status of eligibility" or w/e (even though im perfectly eligible) and then after a few times it blocked me from checking for24 hours

Not really stimulating anything when you don't spend it. You have a problem living your God damned life?

And then he had a massive heart attack and died.

Apparently they're also telling you that you can't submit an address change after a 2018 tax filing until you file your 2019 taxes.

30% will go to Mexican drug lords and cause 100 times the deaths of corona by overdose.

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Imagine what all the black people are going to do with it. Y’all should buy stocks in Swisher Sweets, Twizzlers, and malt liquor.