Cuomo’s BFTO’d

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I hope she gets well

Fucking Corona cunt.

What a fake douchebag.




Lol it’s very mild for white people. It’s very bad for niggers or half niggers.

He’s not gay???

Oh no, that sucks.

He seems like the kind of guy that'd cough on other people's stuff when they're not around.


The man most directly responsible is Miles Bennett Dyson

Nope, but he is probably into fendom (from his nip piercing) so might as well be

he looks like the kind of guy that would steal your pen then go to the bathroom and stick it up his ass, then put it back on your desk

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He was probably horny

>Chris Cuomo keeps tongue-kissing his wife to get her infected too
>Cuomo's wife gets infected and he's back in the headlines

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Too bad CNN doesn't pay him enough that he could have taken his corona ass to an air b&b.

Fredo not quarantining.

Normally, if some random 65yr old said a big time new anchor was making stupid threats I'd say "sounds fishy, the Jews must coach these guys on dealing with public and hecklers etc".

But we already got that other vid of Fredo. :)

How the fuck did his wife get it? Wasn't he banished to his cuck shed weeks ago?

It can be sexual transmitted.

wrong cuomo

Isn't this the guy that was living in the shed?


This faggot didn't self quarantine and was out walking with his family. WTF is wrong with him?

miles dyson!!! she's gonna blow him away *voice crack*

I think he’s living in his basement. Maybe she got it while she was at the grocery store you never know.

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I hope he gets it from her and dies. Doubt that will happen though because his marriage is fake and hes actually a fag taking it up the ass everyday


He already had it and probably is the one who gave it to her you fucktard.