Unemployed Republicans Now want Socialism!

> Unemployed Republicans Now want Socialism!
Lmao my fucking sides

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it's different when white people get
we paid into the system, niggers and beaners did not

This topic doesn't matter. Its a divide and conquer tactics. Both sides are ruled by the same oligarchy. Fight against them instead of each other. Dumbass nigger apes.

>become "unessential" worthless unemployed bum
>suddenly want socialism

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We've wanted national socialism this whole time you fucking retard.

Aid Money due to government-induced unemployment =/= government ownership of the means of production

By the way, I am an essential worker and still get relief money.

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Trump gives everyone a refund and beats yang by 200 bucks and we get to keep our penises so whats the point of having democrats?

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keep telling yourself that you leech, you haven't contributed anything to society.

>the government doing shit is "socialism"
Bernouts have to be the dumbest niggers on the planet next to MIGApedes.

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Based Yas Forumstard dabbing on Bernouts.

>people are forced to not work now have no income and money is tighter
>"dey love socialism now lol i'm so quirky and gay!"

lol fuck off

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Ok Bernie bro

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I work for a company that makes military gear. I'm working more now than before the virus

Yes. National Socialism.

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>crisis conditions year-round
Communism must suck

You have to keep the country occupied

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Only people who pay taxes lol

Stuff like the government initiated Monroe Doctrine ?

>he socialized his support for biden
lamo my fucking sides

Durr. The republicans are the workers party now. Democrats are the party of border jumpers and globalists.
Republicans care about citizens and are nationalists. So it is natural when the government prevents people from working to tend to citizens.

If Bernie had raised corporate tax America would still be capitalist

Delusional, neither the Democrats nor Republicans are anti-globalist or care about workers.

I wish you could have told Reagan and Bush that .

>I work in the woods and make to much and haven't stopped working at all
Lmao my fucking sides

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How's that refund going?

workers not working getting money for no labor is socialism now!!!!!!!

Fuck Reagan. Fuck Both Bush's.

Probably, but the idea is that only working actually get this 1200$, dependants and people who don't do shit, didn't get shit.

>Bernie is so fucking useless and spineless that even Trump does better at socialism than him.

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This sad ass narrative ignoring contributing factors is why bernie bros will never have a seat at the adult table. Democratic party or otherwise.