Physical Correction

When is it acceptable to beat your woman? And how hard is too hard?

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If she stops breathing, you've gone too far.

Depends entirely on the crime. If she cucked you, only death is acceptable.

When she gets too uppity and starts threatening you, give her a nice uppercut to the chin to give her some reality check.

let me ask my imam

If she doesnt Immediately obey your commands, the only corrective action is beatings. She will comply

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>physical correction
percussive persuasion sounds better

depends on the woman
the modern notion that there are no women that EVER need physical correction is so insane that it just makes the whole thing laughable, of course such women exist, they are perhaps 50% of women

Never you psycho

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Bruh just ignore her and find a different girl. It's a big market, lots of options

Unironically I think the muzzrats hit the nail on the head. With a stick no bigger than your thumb, not in the face, as a last resort, not leaving marks.

I just don't understand why they cuck so hard on that, try to revise it, add (((parentheses))), cut that part out when it's literally in the first 5 pages of the book.

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>When is it acceptable to beat your woman?
Never, you should only rape them.

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Never ok to beat a woman. Why do these threads keep popping up? What's wrong with the paid actors tasked with trying to get people into woman abuse? Get help.

Actually, yes. Uppity women just want attention. Just fuck it out of them.

Noooo you can't beat women you sexist piece of shiet!!!

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the stick should be flexible, preferably willow and about the same diameter as a finger. it should be no longer than your leg. you should never strike the face and your wind up should be like you are chopping a piece of firewood. no more than 100 lashes or when blood is drawn, whichever happens first.

Beating someone weak like women or children is fucking beta. You never need to beat a woman. If you're a worthy man, she will submit to you. Violence against the weak isn't "based", you're behaving like an uncivilized nigger and it's not something you should celebrate.

This is so machiavelic. Will keep a mentla note on this.

i told a guy who threatened to slap me i'd slit his throat in his sleep and he started saying i was crazy. fuckin cowards

100 is excessive bro. That's like 5 minutes of beating. I'd cap it at like 25-30 tops unless she's arguing or trying to fight back. Personally I've never given my wife worse than a couple gut punches, a little throttling, maybe a smack to the side of the head... just enough to show her what I'm capable of. If she shows fear or submission usually thats good enough for me.

and you incels wonder why no one wants to be with you

Your instinctis are going to tell you if your woman needs a beating, at least that's what my father says.
Fun story.
On one occasion my mother was trowing a fit for no reason, and she wasn't on her period. She simply was being influenced by other women, divorced hags from her job, who convinced her that if my father wasn't gifting her some stuff it meant he didn't love her.
She trew a fit in the living room in front of me (was 7 year old at the time) after restraining her feelings for a while and getting triggered at the sight of my father relaxing in front of the TV.
My father wans't even getting what she wanted, and he tried to argue a bit, quickly realising it was pointless; Then he simply grabed her by the arm and forced her into his lap with her butt up, and slaped her butt. Not in a sexy way, he put a lot of strengh in the slaps, to the point that she screamed with each one. (I would not be surprised if it made her aroused though)
After that, she started crying and embraced my father.
Since then everything gone back to normal, and it was not until years later that I would bring this topic up to my father because I could not understand what had happened.
My father confessed to me he probably wasn't fucking her properly, which is why she was allowing herself to be influenced by these divorced women.

>that whole screenshot

Do people post these threads every time they have an argument with their gf/wife in quarantine?


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It's never acceptable. Never. I hope that she reports you to the police.

The idea that marriage has to turn into some S&M roleplay 24/7 so the woman doesn't chimp out is disgusting to me even if it works. Another reason to stay single I guess

Libertarian Retard

This is acceptable. You hit your child. You hit your dog. You hit your horse. Do you injure your children, dogs, or horses? No, you hit them not because you want to, but for their own good, to teach them the right and proper behavior and outlook and ensure they develop properly. You treat women the same way! The threat of being hit is far more important than the actual strike, obviously, but not all children are so easy to rear that you can threaten a spanking to get them to be productive. Some of you incels are missing the point entirely. You hit her when you must, and you only hit as hard as you must.

Occasionally, I’ll turn her over my knee and spank her ass until she cries. Sometimes I think she provokes me on purpose t get spanked.

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It’s always acceptable from an ethical standpoint. Unfortunately our barbaric gynocentric system has made it illegal, which is honestly fucking ridiculous. If you want proof of how fucked up our society it is look no further. Women BELONG to men. Men have the natural authority to discipline them, whether with a penis or a backhand. It’s sad to see how far we have fallen.

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A good hard slap to her cooter will set her straight