Are you ready kids?
We never fully recovered from 2008. We will have more deaths from the great depression 2.0 due to lack of people being able to afford basic things. Covid-19 will be a joke with the death toll that is coming.
Are you ready kids?
We never fully recovered from 2008. We will have more deaths from the great depression 2.0 due to lack of people being able to afford basic things. Covid-19 will be a joke with the death toll that is coming.
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It's fucking kino, Trump will be given unprecedented powers to heal the nation. And he will win all 50 states this fall. A mandate with the GEOTUS, are you ready?
Only thing that would heal America would be bringing back manufacturing and taking care of our own before other nations. Such as illegals.
Manufacturing wont come back while we have super restrict environmental regulations and high labor costs. Both must go down before manufacturing will return.
It is cheaper to run an automated manufacturing site in Asia than Americas. Due to cheaper techs and engineers. Cheaper environmental restrictions.
Zoomers, and the LGBT agenda will be the first to go.
Zoomers unable to cope will mass suicide.
Traps and trannys will slit their wrists.
China will be to blame. We wil have a mass red wave. Blaming China.
just save up
I’m scared bros
Zoomers as a whole are supposed to be the farthest right generation since WWII
I don’t understand why people think the minority of them who chop their dicks off represent the whole
you burgers have it easy
you have lots of guns to fight your way out
you have lots of wealthy properties in your country
and you also have lots of retards who will die fast when shtf
if you only werent that fat and lazy
This guy understands
Most small businesses don’t have the money to go full robot’s and green energy they require skilled laborers
The only viable green energy that is reliable for today's world is nuclear. But public opinion nuclear energy is shit. You can even recycle rods to greatly reduce storage times to 500 years and it is safe to touch with your bare hands after recycling.
Hydro electric is good but limited.
Solar does not meet demands when needed. Takes 20 plus years to return on investment.
Wind is costly and does not meet demands.
Basically green energy when you think of wind and solar it is a fucking joke and a political play. That is it.
speak for yourself nigga i made so much mney i LOST 200K last month and i didnt bat an eye
Can’t wait for the night of long knives style execution of progressive Democrats later this year, combined with the Rex-84 containment of freedom hating undesirables.
Prepare to get purged, faggots
I picture the US becoming the new Mexico. Being ran by gangs and cartels. Cops being spread to thin to deal with real crime. Going back to the day where you can leave some money clipped to your drivers license. Being told you are good to go with just that.
Allam cycle, you have been living under a rock
Look into Thorium salt reactors. It's a more efficient power than nuclear, multitudes cleaner, and it uses what now is considered a "waste product" in conventional mining.
>Thorium salt reactor
Still Nuclear energy just a different process.
Reminds me of solar runways. When it comes out with a working model. I might bight.
Psh sounds like you have a silver spoon.
Trump will just give kickbacks to his kike buddies and Kushner if he gets absolute power. Although he might deport the illegals which would be good, but I don't know how'd they'd be able to track all of them.
be quiet happeningfag we're going to reopen USA in a few days and you will be left behind with your schizo friends
Reopening does not mean governors will comply. It does not mean the economic damage that has been done is enough to tank most businesses.
>Are you ready kids?
JC penny is not going to bother taking a bail out. They are all ready looking at bankruptcy. It is going to become a pick and choose game. Who can you bail out and keep thins rolling.
Retail is going to more or less become Walmart and amazon in America.
About time Mr. Crabs showed up for work.
Don't tell anyone, but I think krabs is a stereotypical representation of a man of the Jooish variety.
And racism is BAD
The media will just pretend like the recession/depression isn't happening and categorize all the resulting deaths from suicide/homicide/starvation/stress as caused by coronavirus.
One of Delaware's chicken companies says the coronavirus outbreak has hit their staffing levels so hard that they cannot keep up with production.
That means about 2 million chickens owned by Allen Harim Foods will be killed at the Delaware and Maryland farms where they were raised, but their meat will not make it to market, according to the Delmarva Poultry Industry.
A few meat packing plants closed down over here because of bat scratch fever
Yeah.... I've been trying to find a good source for unemployment numbers. I've been seeing 5% to 20%
Let the poor die ! It will be glorious ! A good clean up of useless niggers and weak white people !!!
i don't know about the USA, but business taxes/business rates in the UK are a huge cost. the cost to have a factory or a business in an industrial unit is huge before you even start producing or employing anyone.