When will going outside be safe again?
Did Trump take COVID 19 seriously enough?
What should he have done instead, and when?
nigger, you dont realize the gravity of the situation?
seriously, this is not the time to fuck around, traitors get hanged and WE ARE GOING TO WAR
nice larp faggot
nothing is going to happen. Take your pills and relax
he's a burger-eating pillhead who didn't get sick. so YES
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literally anything
wow how did you triforce? please teach me I’m a newfag
He did things in january dummy
and what did he do with that time he bought in january?
Trump stupid. He think virus man made in China lab from chimera virus strain Obama sell to China in 2015. But if this true - Microsofts MSNBC would say so because they real news and care about us.
We so lucky Bill Gates make vaccine to save us.He very good man. I cannot wait to be chipped with vaccine. We must vote Biden to ensure this happen.
he called it a Democrat Hoax.
Trump suportor not smart like us. They not understand science and math. We listen to tv experts. Vote Biden. He good for America of United States.
Swing and a miss.
this is the guy that wanted to kill terrorists families
wanted to use nukes on isis in syria
trump 2020
nationalize the entire healthcare industry would have been a great start
>Did Trump take COVID 19 seriously enough?
He took it too seriously, literally a strong flu
But seriously, I live outside and my life hasn't changed much at all, even visits to the store. The only thing I'm missing is sitting in a nice restaurant eating a good steak.
Trump is a President. Presidents do not know everything - they are simply managers. They employ tons of people below them, people they can trust, to give them advice and solid council. In January, Trump didn't know Covid19 from a deck of cards at one of his casinos and it was the CDC, intelligence and Fauci's job to help him understand so that he could make decisions.
I think Trump did damned good. He was wise enough to go against the recommendations of his infectious disease guy to stop flights. He sensed something wasn't right and I do appreciate his actions.
Now, when the dust settles, and it will, he needs to get rid of Fauci, if for nothing else that Fauci doesn't seem to have his bosses back when talking about WHY Trump made certain decisions.
Oh, and I fully believe that the ONLY reason the US seems to have such high infection and death numbers are because #1, we're testing more people and being honest about the test results and #2, anyone that dies that has the antibodies is being marked as 'death by Covid19' even if they had a heart attack or got hit by a car.
Denied digits for posting the fact free WaPo. Suck it leaf
He took it to seriously.
Trump should have smacked down the states with the Commerce Clause the moment they started talking about a shutdown, and just let the virus run its course.
If he believes in my political ideology he did great.
If he doesn't believe in my political ideology he did terrible.
This is the idiocy of Americans.
Stupid American voters prefer lifelong politicians over real people. But since the politicians are supposed to represent us- as in being a part of who we are as the fabric of our country- How many of our stupid asses are career politicians? None. How many of us work and participate in businesses? The majority of us. Yet, one wing of believers wants to hero worship political hacks. One wing wants to advance the country with heads of business and industry driving innovation and technology. One party wants old white people who mumble on aimlessly about policy that has nothing to do with our lives and one party wants to keep moving in to the future. We could have had a spirited forward thinking government forming with progressives and what ever the fuck the conservatives have turned into under Trump (its pretty amazing actually) but the moderate dems are holding the country back and forcing most of the nation to pretend like it is the late 70s so Joe and Hillary feel comfortable. Lets hope AOC primaries all the old stagnant fucks in her party so we can actually make some fucking miracles happen for this shithole.
This right here nigga