Women have more power than men. Men are insecure and incomplete creature. Only women can save us. Don’t try to control women. We are inferior.
The absolute state of modern society
that pic is why I've given up on women, they're not worth caring about. They'll just leave you for the next faggot when they feel like it
>inb4 have sex
no, fuck that. I'd rather be alone.
OP just outed himself as an incel. You're not supposed to limit yourself to one pussy at a time.
i stopped bothering when i saw how many swipes even an average girl gets on Tinder. not any point.
jokes on her, they send the same message to like 30 other thots
>all these fucking orbiters
if you orbit a girl you need the following
>grow the fuck up
>eat a 9mm or higher caliber bullet
Orbiters are fucking scum
You're wrong though. I've got MGTOW about 6 years ago and couldn't give two shits about a woman. It's all about anime and vidya.
woah ur so based bro
>Women have more power than men.
Until they’re about 30. Men have all the power after that.
Lol is that Idubbbz chick posting a screenshot?
and also this.
>We are inferior.
Show tits.
Men should find most of their support in family and other men. Women are for babies and romance.
Men still have the power if they’re a desirable guy. I agree about normal dudes though. Your regular overweight, average salary, 5.5 inch dick guy isn’t treated as a human being by most women. They simply exist to feed female egos.
You can romance other men as well, obviously I do it quite often
Yes lots of guys try to fuck girls. Was this a new fact for you?
Fucking this kek
It begins with you not being a pussy.
The only thing that'd I'd want out of a woman is kids, it's kind of upsetting knowing i probably wont get kids but it's not worth putting up with a woman in my house.
Jesus would be MGOTW if He was here. Women are a satanic mess. Their soft core pornos on Netflix are really fucking them up. I also noticed some of the shows really promote female violence/ crime. They really are trying to ruin our women for decades to come.
>pic related
The meme “the future is female” is ironically the truth because when they fall apart, men fall apart.
all the wamens are falling in love with governors giving orders to them. They just want you to be a fucking man you faggot.
No, you foids want protection, an income, an attractive man, and everything provided to you and all you have to offer for it is some disgusting used up hole. Even virgins, it's still just a hole.
What you bring to the table is hardly worth it.
If women derive their power from men's sexual attraction to them, it is men who in fact have the power. If men exercised greater restraint and didn't reward whores with money and attention, then women wouldn't feel the need to be whores to acquire these things. They were culturally shamed for being whores once upon a time, now they are encouraged.
does anyone else ever get violent thoughts when they see a woman
like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE
Its really not.
When I was 25, my bros brought home a nice big tittied wench for me to fuck. She was 18.
We had a weed of unprotected drunken sex.
I mean careless to the point where i was busting nuts in her. I was a very insane man at this point in my life.
Anyways, she got pregnant, I took up a trade to keep her at home with baby. Then we got married to "make it right".
We moved to the big city to have better " oppurtunities", then had another kid. Shit was going great until I lost my job, then she started working. As soon as she had a taste of downtown life, it was all over from there.
The pandoras box was open. She went from trad cute gamer anime introvert to a full blown colored hair, pierced , tattooed punk rock dyke.
Fought her for 4 years with the kids. Finally got them in my custody.
It was a miserable 4 years user. Every sort of conceivable lie possible to keep me from my children and make out to be some kind of wife beater. In the end, the truth caught up with her, every boyfriend shes ever had didnt want to raise someone elses kids especially when i would come to pick them up every day. I knew the propaganda value of my kids seeing my face every day and i also knew the toll it would take on her new betaboys mentality.
But still, tread lightly, find a nice church girl, most women are trash and have too many options. almost like they get off on having 20 different dudes fawn over them. Its disgusting .
I still cant believe there are people paying for used panties, bath water, feet pics, etc.
Women do not need the majority of men, they are happy to harem with very few strong men.
No you misunderstood, I'd only use one to suplly me with kids. Once she's done that I'd throw her away.
Who would want to rule over scraps?
And even if you are thinking about pursuing a much younger woman, she would be just as much of a thot as every other one on that pic. So yeah, after 30yo men are more powerful than 30yo women, but still cucks.
I had to do it a round about way.
Gamer tip: Find you a really fucked up bitch but is good genetically , pump out kids, plant so much evidence and good cause that a court will hand kids over to you. Profit.
All you need is a .22 and you can get anything delivered to your door from Gunbroker as long as it was made before 1898
No. Women over 30 marry their real husband, the state. Women marry the state. That's why they get triggered and demand the government to pander to their every childish whim. That's why women demand sexbots only for them.
>other men
talk about being a faggot you would want other men.
Once I started callin women out on this and disrespecting them/bossing them around, i got a gf
You faggots are so pathetic. Jesus christ
Oh no, an anonymous leaf has a bad impression of me on a taiwanese adult origami message board! Whatever shall I do?
I dunno, keys?